I find I am often in interesting corners of the net turning up what many people would consider obscure and strange information. This is unless you are a fiber freak of course. Now I am not a felter although I have tried it a couple of times and love to stitch on hand made felt I have never really developed the skill. That aside I discovered this tutorial on how to Make your own shoe last for felting slippers and boots in the washing machine. A reminder to all northern hemisphere readers here. I am in Australia its still winter and I live in Canberra where it’s –2 at the moment and I am having fantasies of warm feet!
While you are on Sally Pointer’s site check out the Gandalf style Pointy hats and the free patterns for historical costumers. Also if you just happen to need instructions on making a bone comb as the Vikings and Saxons did you will find them on this site.