How to use Shisha glass in embroidery is explained and illustrated in diagrams on the Rajmahal site . On the same site there is also information on using metal threads for gold work techniques.
Possibly most useful on the site as there is not a lot online about Tambour embroidery is instructions on how to use a tambour hook
I just love your ideas, you are so talented and inspiring. I have been checking often with all that you are doing, and have myself started going through all the stuff I have collected…ya, well the family say “don’t mind her it is a string fetish”, I have at last count 15 – BIG boxes of crochet thread, and plenty more of fabric, ribbons, laces, and men’s silk ties. Now it is time to do something with them. Thank you once again…I promise not to forget a spider or a web. (Heard it was like the same as for the Amish where the a single block is turned a bit)…only God makes perfect things…like us.