Featured artist at Stitchamaze

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Featured artist at Stitchamaze

I had a particularly pleasant email this week informing me that the ‘featured artist’ at stitchamaze is me!

On another note completely ArtLex is one of those bookmarkable sites as it is a dictionary of over three and half thousand art terms used to discuss visual culture.

Another bit of news is that I am switching ISP’s. Hopefully I should not have any problems but ISP’s seem to cater very well for people with PCs but not Macs so sometimes the initial set up can be a pain. So if I am not online tomorrow I am offline sitting on the phone hopefully not getting one of those recorded messages!


  1. Congratulations, Sharon! You’re in good company over there! The other artists are almost as talented as you are!

    I just spent about an hour wandering thru that site. Her technique is amazing and the idea of the guest artists is pretty cool. Thanks for showing this to us!


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