I found this article by Valerie Campbell-Harding on creating Blueprints on fabric . I am sure as a technique many quilt and fabric postcard artists will find it interesting.
The article is hosted by Stitch Magazine which is produced the (UK)Embroiderers Guild
In the same magazine is a sampler by Tracy A. Franklin of Goldwork techniques. Creative Goldwork Samples This sampler explores contemporary ways of using traditional metal threads creatively.
Now the trick would be to combine the two!
On another note for some reason I have yet to workout I have found out that my antispam plugin is blocking friends too! Thankfully I received an email yesterday so I am on to it. If you have had any trouble or left comments and they have not appeared please drop me an email as currently they are disappearing between the moderation queue and me. I am sorry too if anyone thought I had blocked them as I have not.