100 details for 100 days Day 91

100 details for 100 days Day 91

Crazy quilt sample for Day 91 in the 100 details for 100 days seriesThe detail  for Day 91 features an embellishment that runs along the side of a piece of lace. It is quite simple as it consists of two rows of tied Herringbone stitch. In this sample I used a hand dyed cotton thread which is the same thickness as DMC perle #8. When I work Herringbone stitches like this, I call it a the feet to feet formation because the feet of the herringbone face each other. When you work two rows of herring bone feet to feet the rows form a handy gap along the middle which is an ideal place to add beads.

The hand dyed lace itself was also embroidered with a scattering of Detached Chain stitches. I simply picked out the pattern found in the lace and emphasised it. A seed bead is added to the floral motif in the lace to finish it off.

If you are just swinging by, or a search engine has landed you here, this is day 91 in a series of articles that aim to give you embellishment ideas that you can use in your crazy quilting. If you want to print out this series 100 details for 100 days they are listed under that category.

Have you enjoyed this series? If so you may be interested in  a tutorial I have written on how to work decorative crazy quilt seams. The tutorial is a comprehensive tutorial that I converted to a pdf file (a link to the download is in the article). When I converted it I realised how comprehensive it was. At 19 pages of information, it is a resource worth investigating!No sign up or anything required its a free resource without strings.

holding my book in front of quiltHave you seen my book?

My book The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design: Simple Stitches, Stunning Results  shares practical methods about how to design and make a crazy quilt. I teach you how to balance colour, texture and pattern, in order direct the viewers eye around a crazy quilted project. I show you how to build decorative seam treatments in interesting and creative ways using a handful of stitches. My book is profusely illustrated as my aim is to be both practical and inspiring.


  1. Another gorgeous detail Sharon!!

    I wanted to let you know that I finally got the hang of the Cast-on stitch! Thank you so much for your help and your tutorial. It was really just a matter of getting comfortable in working on the fabric rather than offsite as in tatting.

    Thank you, thank you!! Now I can do those grapes that I’ve been wanting to do!


  2. I am sad that the 100 details series is coming to an end. I have enjoyed looking everyday, and printing out lots of stitch ideas from your blocks and from the links you have published.

    I’ll just have time after this series to look forward to my second Sharon Boggon class. I think I’m a groupie!

    Marci Hainkel

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