Video available of Martha Eldin’s Casket

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Video available of Martha Eldin’s Casket

In 1671 Martha Edlin who was 11 years old, embroidered a casket. She used a variety of stitches including raised work to create different textures. Martha also used pearls, silk and metal threads. Inside are her needle case, bodkin and pin cushion and a small box which has a secret drawer.

The casket is in the V&A and they have a video of Martha Edlin’s Casket so that you can see it, in the round, online.

While on the V&A site also see the movie of Jacquard Weaving


  1. Thanks for this. I once spent about two hours with my forehead pressed up against the glass of this exhibit trying to see as much of the casket as I could. Yay for the museum for making this video.


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