CQMag Online is Out

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I am behind the news again this morning because CQMag Online has been out a week or so. So make a cuppa and settle back to browse and read. What is in the latest issue? I am picking the eyes out here but to give a brief and quick overview …

Musing over Bonefolder

Over the weekend I had the chance to browse the latest issue of Bonefolder. This issue (Volume 4, No. 2, Spring 2008) is excellent,  and well worth popping over to the site and downloading a copy. Muriel Prince’s article Women and Books: Contemporary book artists share their thoughts was of …

Getting Grumpy over art speak

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This is a little something to poder over the weekend as Eric Gibson’s piece The Lost Art of Writing about Art focuses on the writing in the reviews, particularly the Whitney Museum’s Biennial exhibition.  How critics, curators and  people in the business of the visual arts write about art is …

A tale of two samplers

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This is the start of what may become the tale of two samplers and is actually a continuation of yesterdays post but for all those who swing by for links rather than chatter Susie Monday has a very good article about getting yourself going. 10 Ways to Unstick when You’re …

Work in Progress crazy quilting, samplers and chatter!

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Hi all grab a cuppa, as you can see I have done a little more crazy quilting work. Not much stitching because work is busy and frankly from now until the end of the year it just gets busier. I am also polishing my latest online workshop, so for the …

Collage Mania is about to start!

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Virginia Spiegel dropped me a line to remind me that Collage Mania is Monday and Tuesday, in other words May 5 and 6. I think it is going to be 2 days of total crazyness for Virginia as all you have to do is choose an artwork, e-mail Virginia and …

Make a sewing kit

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This tutorial on Mackville Raod shows you how to create a small traveling sewing kit bag for toting around sewing supplies. It is a cute wallet made up of three handy pockets to hold things like threads, scissors, needles, etc. For those who carry a visual journal in your hand …