For those who are interested in zentangles, doodle patterns drawing celtic knots, pattern creating and doodling I discovered a great flickr group which aims to demonstrate pattern making in step by step photos. The group describes itself as “place to post the step-by-step instructions for building doodle images such as those typically used in zentangling or zendoodling. “
It’s a great group to make a cuppa and browse for a dash of inspiration. What is it called? Free hand doodle patterns! Take a look as I think readers will enjoy it.
Have you seen my Stitchers Templates?

Create your own designs with Sharon’s easy-to-use stitchers templates. Combine shapes to create hundreds of patterns and designs to embroider. It is the ultimate mix-and-match fun for stitchers of all skill levels. I created them to be as versatile as possible. I include four multi-patterned templates in each set. You will find them easy to use, totally clear to help you position them on your work, and they are nice and compact to fit in your sewing box. Each set comes with an e-book filled with patterns and designs that you can create and use as a jumping-off spot for your own designs. They are available now in our shop here!
Happy stitching!
Very interesting information. Thanks a lot !
Thanks not only for the link, but also for reminding us that you can subscribe to flickr groups via RSS. This is something that I knew once but had forgotten all about!!!
AON Celtic Art also has free cross stitch patterns and good instructions for creating Celtic designs