Finding fresh colour combinations and working out colour schemes can sometimes be a challenge. There are many tools online that can make it fun or simply offer you a fresh look. Using a colour palette generator can also be fun, particularly when you start to play with some of your own photos to generate the palettes. I am sure we all go through a phase of constantly using the same or similar colour scheme, hopefully playing a little with these tools will give you a nudge in another new and fresh direction. There is a warning, however, as it is easy to become lost in the process. I am sure if you try some of these colour palette generators you will be inspired by new and different colour combinations.
Whenever I am looking at colour schemers I try to see if they have either hex or RGB numbers associated with the colours. The Hex and/or RGB numbers are handy as you can convert them to DMC colours. The DMC Floss to Hex Color Code and RGB Values Conversion Chart will help you with this. Another list is provided by Threadcolors
Stitch Palettes
The first site I would like to draw your attention to is Stitch Palettes. The site is a bit more than a simple colour palette generator as it does much of the work for you. Not only are the colour schemes well harmonised all colours have their associated DMC colour numbers. The site also hosts a Thread Palette Generator After choosing a single colour you are offered palettes of Shades, Monochromatic, Analogous, Complimentary, Triad, Weighted Triad, Compound, Tetrad, Weighted Tetrad and Rectangular colour schemes are generated. Stitch Palettes also has a Photo converter for a subscription.

Picular is a site that simply exposes you to many colours which can be a jumping off point to a set a colours that fit with a theme or idea. Take a look at Picular as it uses Google’s image search to create colour palettes. It simply throws a batch of colours at you and somedays that is all you need. The interface is fast and easy to use. Basically you type in a search term and hit enter. Picular then generates a series of colour swatch tiles. I had fun with words like spring, winter, summer, autumn, ice cream, lollipop, candy, cake, beach, forrest, pebbles, sunset, flowers and feminine.

The RGB hex code is displayed in the left-hand corner. This means you can easily convert it to DMC thread colours. Even if you don’t use the thread you can match the colour to fabric and you are off! In the right-hand corner is a very pale icon which if you pass your over it you will see the image source that provided the dominant colour.
Another method of finding colour schemes is to load a photo and have colours generated from your photo. Canva colour palette generator is a very popular site that will do this. You can upload one of your images and Canva generates a colour palette from the main colours in the image.

Canva is fine but you can not tinker with the colours that are generated. It’s a like it or lump it situation which is fine if you just want something quick.
Colour palette generator Image Picker
Image Picker is a great way to use your photos for your colour schemes. As I have said before, when it comes to these online toys I like a little choice. To be able to tinker a bit with the results means that the palette generated, reflects me and my colour sense.

I like colour picker because beside the strip of generated colour there is a little + and – sign that will increase or decrease the number of colours in the palette.
On each colour swatch there is a little dot click on that and a dot on the image appears. Drag the curser around to change that colour. Basically you have the ability to really have fun with the colours in your photos.

Colour palette generator Color Schemer Online
I like schemers that allow a little interaction. Color Schemer Online is a lite online version of a downloadable piece of software.
It is very simple to use, as basically you choose a base colour and a monochromatic, complimentary, Triadic and tetradic scheme is generated. It’s another site that is good for some quick simple ideas.

Colour palette generator Paletton
Working with the Paletton site is intuitive and fun. You simply choose the basic color you are interested in working with then off you go exploring colour combinations and schemes. Along the top left of the screen are 5 disks that introduce different colour schemes. On the right hand side of the screen you can see the colours.

The first disk is the basic colour you want to work with. Select the second disk is 3 adjacent colours on the colour wheel. If you select the third disk it creates a triad formation.

When you click the forth disk it creates a tetrad formation. The fifth I always find fun – in fact I usually go here first. If you hold down your shift key you can move the colour dots individually and discover other colour combinations.

Once you have a scheme that you think you might want work with in the bottom right corner click the button that says Tables/export. You are offered different ways of recording your swatches. If you choose Colour swatches you can export the image as a png and save the colour combo for use.

I hope these online tools stimulate and help you make some fresh and new colour choices. They are enjoyable to explore over a cuppa and it sure beats endless scrolling on social media. Have fun!
Thread Twisties!

Experimenting with different threads can be expensive. You would normally have to buy a whole skein of each type of thread. My thread twisties are a combination of different threads to use in creative hand embroidery. These enable you to try out stitching with something other than stranded cotton. For the price of just a few skeins, you can experiment with a bundle of threads of luscious colours and many different textures.
These are creative embroiders threads. With them, I hope to encourage you to experiment. Each Twistie is a thread bundle containing silk, cotton, rayon and wool. Threads range from extra fine (the same thickness as 1 strand of embroidery floss) to chunky couchable textured yarns. All threads have a soft and manageable drape. Twisting them around a needle makes experimental hand embroidery an interesting journey rather than a battle. Many are hand dyed by me. All are threads I use. You may find a similar thread twist but no two are identical.
You will find my thread twisties in the Pintangle shop here.
I the Palette Builder at Play Crafts….
But my favourite site is Design Seeds ……
Yes design seeds are great!
What a great post, Sharon–a gold mine of useful sites! I especially like the ones that show a reference photo alongside the generated samples because this aides in determining color proportion.
Hi Triche yes I use the photo generated ones too as I feel that its my photo – ie I took it and the scene attracted my eye so the colour scheme generated is definitely me. I also adapt them as sometimes the genrated palette can be improved. It is just and algorithm after all.
Great post! Thank you.
This is a very helpful informative post..thank you..
So very useful!!! Thank you!!
Thanks Sharon love your posts
You are an absolute genius? I love your posts, all of them. I sincerely wish that I was not so old. But, you know what, I am trying to learn all I can anyway. Your stitchery is the most beautiful I have ever seen. I am starting with quilt block four. I love it that I now have some color advice. Thank you
Peggy we are never too old to learn a new thing