TAST Week 4

 Chain stitch. This is a tremendously useful stitch that is quick and easy to do. Chain stitch is a foundation stitch for a whole family of looped stitches. The trick with all the chain stitches is not to pull the stitch too tight, as a tight tension will pull the loop …

TAST Week 3

Take a Stitch Tuesday Week 3 Basic TAST This week I am suggesting you learn and experiment with Stem Stitch. Stem Stitch is a basic quick and easy linear stitch, which I, personally, think is one of the most useful stitches there are. You can use this stitch to outline just …

TAST Week 1

Happy New Year! And welcome everyone, to Take a Stitch Tuesday, or TAST week 1. I hope you are all energised and up for this year’s challenge. I know I am looking forward to seeing what everyone does this year, particularly with the design challenge. Before we start I would …