Beady things on the hoop!

I have been playing with what Jerry calls my “Beady things”. I simply think of it as contemporary embroidery. The best description I can think of is heavily embellished contemporary embroidery or hoop art but Jerry insists on Beady things. So, in our house, that is what we call them. …

Stacked beads and Hidden Lace

Playing with beads has to be one of my favourite ways to relax and I think stacked beads is my current obsession. I have recently started to experiment with stacking beads and folding sequins and thought I would share what is on the hoop. (Click on the images if you …

Summer Seaside an Encrusted Embroidery wall Panel

Summer seaside is a panel of encrusted embroidery that I finished a while back and never got around to sharing with my readers. I realised this while searching through my photos. To see a larger version of the Summer Seaside panel, click not the photo. As you can see, this …

The Margaret Weir quilt

Do you remember seeing a quilt or a textile that heavily influenced your journey into fibre and textiles? Something that made you say to yourself: ‘Oh! I need this sort of stitching in my life’. Something once seen you can’t un-see. A piece that tickles the edge of your brain …

Fresh off the hoop

Bold colours! I often stitch up a small area in a colour scheme that I think might be interesting. This is my latest and since it is fresh off the hoop, I thought I would share it. At first I thought this colour scheme was a little too bold to …

How to use Sun Dyes

I have been experimenting with Sun dyes or Heliographic dyes and decided to share what I did. Sometimes this technique is called sun dyeing or sun sensitive dyeing. Sun dyes are very easy to use. This is what I did to get the vibrant results illustrated here. I first washed …

Creative Happy Hour – Embroidery: Hand Stitching Past, Present and Future

Just a quick heads up to announce that I am one of the invitees on the expert panel for this Creative Happy Hour event run by C&T. So if you have any embroidery related questions you may be interested in joining us. Creative Happy Hour Embroidery: Hand Stitching Past, Present …