Interlaced Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch Tutorial

Interlaced Up and Down Buttonhole Interlaced Up and Down Buttonhole is an interesting variety of buttonhole that consists of two rows interlaced, as you work them back to back. It forms a really attractive band that is ideal to use on a border, a seam decoration on a crazy quilt …

Tutorial on how to work Beaded Herringbone Stitch

Beaded herringbone is a variety of Herringbone stitch which makes a very attractive border stitch and is an ideal to use in crazy quilting to decorate a seam. With this stitch the beading is done during the stitching process not added afterward. The trick is use a size 26 tapestry needle. …

How to embroider Beaded Buttonhole stitch

Beaded buttonhole is fun version of regular buttonhole – and there are lots of varieties to explore with this too. It is advisable that you know how to work regular buttonhole stitch before embarking on this variety. With this stitch the beading is done during the stitching process not added …

How to hand embroider Beaded Vandyke stitch

Beaded Vandyke stitch as the name suggests is a beaded version of the very popular Vandyke stitch. If you need  to jog your memory directions on how to work it are here. Regular Vandyke stitch is often used as a border which means the beaded version would make a nice edging on …

Long Tail Chain Stitch Plain, beaded and whipped

Long tail chain is also known as long arm chain and Long leg chain!  With all these tails arms and legs you would think we are talking about a beast of stitch but it is not the case. Long tail Chain Stitch is a stitch of hidden talents as it …

Twisted Satin Stitch with and without a bead tutorial

Twisted Satin Stitch, with and without a bead are two delightfully simple yet versatile stitches. Both can be sprinkled across an area or arranged in patterns to create fills. Worked in a radial arrangement it creates small flower like motifs. You can work Twisted Satin Stitch in a line with the stitches pointing end …

Beaded Hedebo Edge Stitch Tutorial

I am sure crazy quilters will love Beaded Hedebo Edge as it is  decorative and pretty. I know that it has become one of my favourites. Apart from being used as an edging stitch, this stitch has loads of creative potential, I like it particularly worked along the edge of paisley …