Rice Stitch and Varieties

This tutorial offers a step-by-step illustration of Rice Stitch and explores some of its variations including a stitch called Boss Stitch. Rice stitch is also known as Crossed Corners and William and Mary stitch. At first glance, it looks a little boring, but it is tremendously versatile. Some know it …

For the Love of Stitching Sample 597

Stitching Sample 597 is found on part 42 of The for Love of Stitching Band Sampler. It is a section of freeform embroidery in which I also added beads to a mix of hand embroidery stitches. Stitches Used: Straight stitch, Satin stitch, French knots, Cross stitch, Rice stitch, Square Boss, Bullion knots …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 162

Band description: This design is a combination of canvas stitches. Crossed stitches included Rice stitch, cross stitch, Leviathan stitch, and Rhodes stitch. These are arranged between blocks of slanting straight stitches and sequins secured with a bead. Threads: This band is worked in a hand dyed wool and rayon ribbon floss. …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 156

Band description: This is a check pattern of stitches which alternate between Rice stitch and straight stitches worked on a diagonal slant in a regular manner. Threads: On the rice stitch the base cross is worked in yellow rayon ribbon floss and the top bars are worked in a hand dyed …