Work in Progress report

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Work in Progress report

I have a couple of finishes to report. There has been a bit of push on as I wanted to complete this diamond block before continuing work on my band sampler as I know I am going to get obsessed with that for while. As I have said before over on Stitchin Fingers in the Hand Embroidery group we are going to have a “Do it Your Way” stitch-a-long, so I am trying to finish a few things before the 1st of July.

I have done a little more crazy quilting work.


As usual if you click on the photo it takes you to a larger version. Also on that version if you click on the magnify glass there is a magnify option. But here is a detail you might enjoy


The other finish is this sampler as usual if you click on the photo it takes you to a larger version. Also on that version if you click on the magnify glass icon in the top right hand corner you will see a larger version.

The border consists of a number of canvas (needlepoint) stitches and the middle are variations of buttonhole. I found working canvas stitches on linen demanding on the eyes but a technique that I will definitely use again. This linen was 26cnt. If I was going to work a piece that was just canvas stitches I think I would choose 20 or 22 count linen.

The colour scheme was chosen because someone once said to me that orange and blue wont work together.

It will be added to my long band sampler. I have created a category for my band sampler as the more I work and blog it, people are going to need a back story.

The back story

If you are interested in the back story of this quilt and seeing photos of each block as it was made browse the posts  in the Diamond block crazy quilt category

Posts on How to assemble a Crazy Quilt which include;

Online Crazy Quilting Classes:

Just a quick reminder for those who are interested in taking a class with me. You will find all my classes listed under the top tab imaginatively titled Classes online you will also find information on how online classes are run.


  1. Sharon, the work on the piece is lovely, the tumbeling block pattern has always been a problem for me. And to see you embellish the pattern is amazing, I am happy just to get them to form the block : )
    Your sampler is great, you have a great ability to carry on with projects, mine hide in boxes…
    The new web site looks great, I can’t access it as my computer locks up , guess the problem needs attention, but I don’t know what to do! Rene ROFLOL

  2. ‘Love these pieces, Sharon. As usual your stitching is superb. I can’t imagine someone saying you can’t put blue and orange together. That’s a standard complementary color scheme. Your sampler is great. I’ve been wondering what you’ve been working on and am so glad you’ve shown us. Very inspiring.

    Rev Deb
  3. I love to see the eye candy – the diamond blocks are going to make a wonderful quilt. I’m doing hexagon shaped blocks for TIF.

    I was so glad to see you say drawing skills aren’t required for the journal class. Yesterday I got the journal, pastels and watercolors – and began to wonder what I had gotten myself into. I hope my skill in drawing stick figures will get me through.

    I’ve also signed up for the stitch along, but I don’t think I’ll be able to do much with that until after the journal class. so many projects, so little time.

  4. Thanks for the compliments – I have often thought of putting together a silk ribbon for crazy quilters course and when ever anyone says something about my silk ribbon ribbon work I think of it again. So now I am thinking “I really should as I think people would want it”

  5. Those ribbon flowers are gorgeous. And how silly of that person to think that blue and orange don’t go together. It’s a very effective color combination – just look at any supermarket detergent aisle, stock car races, sports uniforms, etc. Although I much prefer your sampler. 🙂

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