Ebook on embroidery is online

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The Gutenberg Project has an ebook by Grace Christie online. Embroidery and Tapestry Weaving . Although published originally in 1912 this book is a total gem don’t miss archiving a copy on your computer and printing out sections as you need it. This book is really a needlework classic that …

Four Years ago Today

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During the Canberra firestorm we were lucky enough o save out home but we lost our garden completely. On the first anniversary we decided to establish a tradition and photograph the garden every year on that day. This is what the garden looked like after the fires. This is what …

Wednesday Wisp Reduction Report

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On the sewing front this week has been a bit on the frustrating side as the house in total chaos. It is still the summer holiday period here in OZ and while Jerry is on leave he has been building bookcases in our dining room. Our dining area is going …

Using a colour wheel

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In my classes I always recommend using a colour wheel to sort out colour. I stumbled across Maria Peagler’s list of Top Ten Myths About Quilters Using the Color Wheel and nodded at every single one. I have heard every one of these or versions of these and she argues …

Wednesday Wisp Reduction Report

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I am running late this morning as I had myself beautifully side tracked but here is my weekly WISP report. These strips of crazy quilting I started as a sort of band sampler only a crazy quilted band sampler. I am not sure if they are going to continue as …

CQ Mag Online is now accepting readers showcase photos and article submissions

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Have you made any Christmas gifts or done any crazy quilting you feel proud of and would like to share? I thought I would let everyone know that CQ Mag Online is now accepting readers submissions for articles and photos for the readers showcase section of the site. Details on …