100 details for 100 days Day 35

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100 details for 100 days Day 35

Day 35

This is a detail that became quite complicated although it is made up of simple basic stitches.

First I worked a row of Herringbone in a thread that is the same thickness as DMC 5 pearl.

I then tied it down with a row of detached chain stitches worked in a thread of the same weight. Next I worked a row of straight stitches between the V of the herringbone. I topped this off with three detached chain stitches.

Then I laced the straight stitches with a fine braid. The seam embellishment was finished off with a seed beads. As you can see each step is a basic stitch it is just the combination that makes it appear complex.

I settled down with a cup of coffee and toast to read the blogs and see what people have been up to while I am away. My morning round up is quite extensive as people have been busy while I have been wearing out the shoe leather (more on that later) Big news for me and for those who follow the beautiful delicate work of Hideko Ishida she now has a blog written in both English and Japanese, suitably named Wind From The East. Do check out her latest interpretation of the details as she is working in monotone and varying threads using DMC rayon, Japanese silk threads, sewing machine threads, TEMARI threads, and hemp threads to great effect.

Barbara Cheeseman of Embroidery Overlaps has joined the challenge and is currently exploring Palistrina stitch.

Debra of Design Studio has the details on her latest vibrant block in her flickr album.

Allison Aller is still working at her regular cracking pace producing some lovely interpretations of the seam embellishments I have been posting. Julia (aka Ribbonwiz) Camille’s Place has also been posting details of her work at a cracking pace.

Annie Whitsed of Annies Crazy World has also been posting details of her crazy quilting projects and this week has posted a tutorial on a really nifty little stitch she found in an old DMC Encyclopaedia of Needlework called Tassel stitch. It looks complicated but is actually a zip to do.

Charlene of When This You See, Remember Me is new to crazy quilting and has posted some more of her seam treatments Lin of Purple Fan is as I have said new to the challenge and new to blogging. True to her word she has been following along with moments of frustration and moments of success. I hope more of the later and less of the former. Suze of Caricol Creations has finished a colourful block.

Connie of The Scoop, Score and Deal has also published her latest details.

Margaret of Digital Gran has been having fun with Cast-on stitch. So has Susan of Plays with needles. Susan’s yummy detail posted last Saturday has to take off the cutest of the week award

Debbie of Needle Lil More Time to Sew is thoroughly enjoying the series and like many is following more than one blogger who is stitching along.

Pam Kellogg of Kitty & Me Designs has been charting creepy crawlies.

Rissa of Rissas Pieces has been publishing some really good embroidery tips

For anyone just swinging by this series of posts are listed under 100 details for 100 days in this blog. Over on Flickr it is associated with the Crazyquilting Group and photos are tagged 100detailsin100days

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