Fabric Postcard day 2

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Fabric Postcard day 2

Its going to be a close shave with is fabric postcard for the 6 x 4 lives challenge. I think I might be skating through the door at the stroke of midnight postcard in hand panting as I say I did it. This is the current state of play. Since it is the last day of the month, I hope to complete it today.

I am enjoying the surface stitchery thoroughly and I think I will work up some more designs for next month or work one of the designs I posted yesterday.

Marg of the crazy spider left a comment to say she is thinking of stitching some paisley designs on denim jeans. I did this in the 70’s and the jeans were worn thin. They eventually became a much loved denim bag. This is possibly the only piece I still have that I worked in that time and it has great sentimental value but they do indicate that my love of paisley designs has been a long standing one.

Well I am off to stitch and finish this postcard!


  1. I’ve been on Flikr this evening to see the finished paisley card – that must have taken some work to get this done soooo quickly. Really lovely card. Have enjoyed seeing the different pics on this site.

    PS Have also enjoyed your blog and have found the 100 stitches in 100 day very informative, even though I’m not an embroiderer, will try one day!

    Sue W

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