Fresh off the hoop

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Fresh off the hoop

needlework sampler

I have another finish to report this morning. I listed it as WISP 1 in my declaration of UFOs and WISPs in early January

So I am feeling very self satisfied. As you can see it is the bone sampler that I started last year. It is worked on linen using a mix of threads which include, cotton, silk, wool, linen, and rayon in varying weights and thicknesses. There is also a liberal use of beads, and shells. It is a contemporary sampler I designed along a beach theme.

If you like this type of hand work you might like to take my next online class Sumptuous Surfaces as it is commencing next week January 24th. The last time this class was run some fantastic work was produced. You can see students work on the flickr group that was set up for students of the class. Even if you are not considering the class it is worth taking a look as there is some great stuff there.

There is further information about the class in the classes and workshops section and you can book this class here at

For those who have not taken one of my classes before I do not re-hash what is already online on my site and my courses always contain a strong design component that is applied to stitching.

The class lessons explain both the principals of design and “how to” of design and are structured so that you move from stage to stage in coherent manner.

The second image is a detail close up. If you click on both images you will go to larger image. The flat areas are pattern darning which I like as a contrast to highly textured area. In the next sample I am going experiment more with pattern darning and pulled work as a contrast to the high relief areas. I hope you enjoy the eye candy!

detail on needlework smapler




  1. Your work is truly beautiful.

    I felt a little bit funny when I saw the shell you embroidered – last summer, I gave myself a little challenge : embroider something Γ  la Sharon B. I then proceeded to draw shapes, think about colors, etc. And I chose a shell exactly like yours! I can’t remember if I had seen it here or not – it is a troubling coincidence!

  2. This is stunning and gorgeous!!!! I love it!
    I read your piece about WISPS and UFOS – figured out I don’t have any UFO’s and the read was very uplifiting ;-).
    The term ‘UFO’ won’t exist now for some time!

  3. Sharon
    I think you have misunderstood me – however Obviously I didn’t make sense but I guess you have answered my question. I was interested in whether you added the textured stitches before or after the large shell pieces – I just felt that it could be so very difficult to stitch inside those shells – not sure I could do it – however an experienced stitcher probably had no trouble.

    Sharon’s sumptuous surfaces is a wonderful course – a not-to-be-missed experience!

  4. Hi Marg
    with this one I stitched the flat areas – ie the darning stitch areas then the larger shells shells on then I added textured stitches – I hope this explains what I did – I cover the process in my class Scrumptious surfaces

  5. I have really loved this piece since I first saw it- but finished it is amazing Sharon. I look forward to the further exploration.
    Do you mind me asking whether you stitched the bigger shell slices on before or after stitching the spaces inside them? (I hope that makes sense.)
    I have been collecting shell pieces forever and now I know what I can do with them (if only I can find that stash!)

  6. Hi all thanks for the lovely compliments – BizzieLizzie asked if I glued the shells on – NO!!! yikes everything is stitched – I am afraid I am old fashioned enough to glue and embroidery very separate.

    I like this style and am goind to push it – explore it even further

  7. I love the texture you have created with this piece. I love the beads and the knots and the mix of fiber and beads!
    I wanted to let you know that even though I didn’t sign up for the take-it further challenge, I am participating vicariously. I love the motivation and thank you for that.
    It’s my hope that one day, I will actually be able to keep a french knot from unravelling!!
    Cheers, Denise

  8. Hi Sharon – looks really lovely and crunchy. How have you done the pile of shells or beads within the larger shells, are they glued in or stitched into a void. I searched the beach when on holiday recently for shells with holes in to use in an underwater piece for display at our EG stand at the stitching show at G-Mex Manchester at the beginning of Feb. Do you drill holes in your shells? Keep posting the eye candy

  9. this is wonderful! Another “something” I would like to try one day… I’ve just started crazy-quilting over Christmas with a few small samples, and I see how much time it takes (maybe just at the beginning? πŸ™‚
    I love the richness of this piece and how you can look at it for a long time and still find something you haven’t noticed before.
    Your blog has provided a lot of inspiration for me, and also the links that you provide are very interesting.
    Thank you!

  10. Oh Sharon, that is so beautiful and interesting! All the texture just pulls me right into the piece. One of these days, I’m going to try this type of design. Along with 50 other things I want to do!

    Thanks Sharon, for sharing photos of your stitching. I really enjoy seeing it.

  11. Superb, as always Sharon. I like the way you used those large shell fragments. I had to look twice before I realised what those complicated shapes were. You put a lot on there, it must weigh a fair bit!

  12. Sharon, the detailed photo looks so realistic, I’ve seen the high tide line on a beach look just like that, with small pieces of shell and debris inside lager shells. I’m in absolute awe when embroiderers can interpret the natural world with such acuracy and detail in fabric and thread. Thanks for sharing, and well done on finishing another WISP.
    Christine in cooler and overcast Sydney

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