Tutorial on how to make a Five point ribbon flower

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Tutorial on how to make a Five point ribbon flower

To make a Five point ribbon flower.

The sample is made from 13 mm ribbon but you can use ribbon from 8mm to quite large to make this type of flower. It looks good in silk ribbon, satin ribbon and ribbon made of organza.

Cut a piece about 3/4 inch long and fold it at right angles so that it forms a mitre corner as illustrated.

Fold the ribbon back on the mitre, so you are folding the ribbon back underneath itself.

Finger press the top edge.
You will have a front and back.

Front of the fold

Back of the fold

Make five petals and have them ready to thread together.

About half way down ribbon gather the first petal on the needle and then trim the excess ribbon off.

Do this with the five petals gathering them on the needle.

Pull the thread tight and finish off at the back.
You can use a little fray check if unravelling is problem

Add a bead for the centre.

You have a 5 pointed ribbon flower to add to your next project!

I hope you enjoy the tutorial.




  1. Thank you for a wonderfully clear and simple tutorial for a gorgeous flower. I'll just have to have a go at making some (for my handmade cards) yours turned out so well and they are not something that could suffer in transit!

    {mwah, mwah, from Dublin, Ireland}

    Mary Mac

    Mary Mac
  2. Sharon,This is too much of coincidence as I am bumping into SRE.I joined the SRE group in stitching fingers and bumped into a blog in the same .Now I just wanted to check chain stitch variations and here again I am seeing this ribbon flower.Thanks a lot for the clear tutorial.

  3. I just made one of these. Your instructions were so clear and easy to follow. I used baby blue organza, and put a pearl in the center. It is sooooo pretty. Thank you for the great tutorial.

  4. Thanks for the clear instructions with excellent sharp photos. I made a large one to adorn the front of my baby’s Christening dress as the store didn’t have any large enough nor in the ivory color I wanted. Plus mine is made with soft satin ribbon and not the scratchy stuff the store flowers use. Wonderful tutorial!

  5. Hi Sharon

    We are starting a challenge blog, for all forms of arts and crafts and would love to invite you to be a guest designer, for one challenge.
    Each challenge has sponsored prizes and designers recieve a small pack of sample goodies to play with.
    yours tracey

  6. Beautiful work Sharon!…even the lurkers like me are inspired…I finished a small quilt for my godson that I was making for his baptism and 2 quickie ones for his brothers so they will not be jealous. My best friend was shocked to see the floor of my sewing room… Keep that inspiration up!
    p.s. My best friend was visiting because I am working on 2 4-tier skirts for her…most of the way finished. Hmmmm…maybe I will weigh all the projects that leave and see what it totals….

  7. Thank you for all the wonderful things you have taught us and inspired us to do. I took your encrusted class but did not participate in any of the discussions. I thought the class was excellent and enjoy crazy quilting even more with all the new ideas. Jayne

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