I am not sure if all crazy quilters know that a wiki on crazy quilting is being developed. It has been framed as series of lessons that are ideal for new hands.
These fully illustrated lessons are in a PDF file and are free and open to anyone. Do check it out as it is a fantastic resource as it is very worth while.
Thanks for letting us know about the wiki. I have already looked at it and it will be helpful for beginning cqers such as myself.
My question Sharon, is that it has lessons and you have lessons. I was thinking of taking your class. Could you tell us what the differences or main difference is between what you offer versus the wiki?
Whoa! This is so cool! Thank you for the tip!
What a marvelous development! It’s fantastic to follow those clear instructions if you want to learn more about embroidering CQ’S!
What a wonderful resource that is. Having done only a very little crazy quilting in the past, I have been admiring some of your own blocks these past few days and am now further inspired to do more!