Introducing block 35 in the I Dropped the Button Box crazy quilt

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We are now at Block 35 which has a strong colour scheme. I hope you will enjoy the focus on each detail on this block over the next few weeks and that readers are still enjoying seeing me document the seams, embellishments and decorations on the I dropped the button …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 383

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This area on section 28 of the For the Love of Stitching band sampler is a pattern of straight stitches worked on the diagonal. In canvas work it is known as Milanese stitch Threads A hand dyed soft Danish cotton which feels and works up in a similar way to coton a broder and …

CQ Detail 229

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Detail: This is the last detail on block 34. The seam is covered with a nasty cheap nylon lace which I then covered the center with the blue and gold ribbon. along the edge of the lace I worked french knots Thread: Cotton perle #12 (DMC) What is the story? …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 382

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This area on section 28 of the For the Love of Stitching band sampler is satin stitch worked at various heights Threads A hand dyed soft Danish cotton which feels and works up in a similar way to coton a broder and is matt with no sheen. It is approximately the same thickness and …

CQ Detail 228

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Detail: This area is covered with vintage lace  and a cluster of vintage buttons. What is the story? This regularly published series aims to illustrate and document the hand embroidered seams, embellishments and decorations on my crazy quilt I dropped the button box. All articles are categorised in the projects under Crazy Quilt details which enables readers …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 381

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This is the second band on section 28 of the For the Love of Stitching Threads A hand dyed soft Danish cotton which feels and works up in a similar way to coton a broder and is matt with no sheen. It is approximately the same thickness and weight as perle 8 …

CQ Detail 227

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Detail: This seam is covered with a line of feather stitch which I then beaded adding a seed bead to the end of each arm of the stitch. Thread: Cotton perle #5 (DMC) What is the story? This regularly published series aims to illustrate and document the hand embroidered seams, embellishments …