A sewing project that makes an ideal gift

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It is early in the year to start digging around for hand made gift ideas for Christmas but anyone who makes gifts knows how much energy can go into the process so we have to start early!  We can only hope the recipients have a sense of this long thoughtful …

CQ Detail 206

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Detail: This is the last detail on this block. It is a cluster of vintage buttons that sit on left bottom side on piece 4 on block 30 of the I dropped the Button Box quilt What is the story? This regularly published series aims to illustrate and document the hand embroidered seams, embellishments and …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 357

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Stitches This band of stitching is made up of a row of Cretan stitch which has a  detached chain stitch worked on the end or each bar. I then added a seed bead. Thread  The Creten stitch is worked in DMC perle #8 thread. and the detached chain stitches are …

CQ Detail 205

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Detail: This little detail is a hand dyed lace motif which I stitched down to the block and added a few small seed beads last. (The photos is a bit too yellow) What is the story? This regularly published series aims to illustrate and document the hand embroidered seams, embellishments and decorations …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 356

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Stitches This band of stitching is made up of two rows of buttonhole stitch worked back to back. Thread  Worked in hand dyed perle #8 thread. Fabric: Linda, 27cnt evenweave fabric produced by Zweigart Dyes: Procion dyes for the cotton thread Date: This section of the sampler was worked in …

CQ Detail 204

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Detail: This seam was first worked in buttonhole stitch which is flipped side to side and worked at different heights. I then I added some detached chains stitches and on the other side of the seam I added straight stitches and bugle beads were added last Thread: Cotton perle and stranded cotton floss …

How to insert a zipper well

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Do you know how to insert a zipper? Lots of people do not. Many younger readers do not have the advantage of being taught sewing at school and many basics including inserting a zipper properly is a problem. Threads magazine has produced a good video demonstrating how to insert a …