For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 348

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Detail: This seam is embellished first with some lace then some small embroidered rose buds. The rose buds are made of bullion knots worked in hand dyed wool and the bud is fly stitch worked in perle #8 cotton which is also hand dyed. Date: This section of the sampler …

CQ Detail 196

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Detail: This detail consists of a cluster of button and a small lace motif that  has been stitched on then further embellished with seed beads. Placement on block:  These buttons sit on piece 4 on block 29 What is the story? This regularly published series aims to illustrate and document the …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 347

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Detail: This seam is embellished with buttonhole stitch, detached chain stitch  and pistil stitch. They are all worked in cotton thread that is hand dyed. Date: This section of the sampler was worked during 2007.   Size:   The For Love of Stitching Band Sampler is 15 cm (6 inches) wide. It …

Eye tracking studies prove composition theory

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Science Daily has published an interesting article that scientifically proves theories about using compositional devices to guide the viewers eye around an image. Eye tracking studies have proved how great painters like Rembrandt engage and guide the eye of the viewer around a painting literally taking us on a visual …

CQ Detail 195

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Detail: This seam is covered with two lines of laced arrow stitches that have been tied at the corners with contrasting thread. I did this by weaving the thread over and under the arms of the arrow stitches. Along the middle of the seam I worked upright cross stitches. I …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 346

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Detail: This line of stitching runs along the of some vintage ribbon. It is a small design worked in hand dyed cotton thread and made up of French knots and straight stitches. Date: This section of the sampler was worked during 2007.   Size:   The For Love of Stitching Band …

Work in Progress Wednesday: Lace crazy quilt block 5

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I do have another completed crazy quilt block for my lace quilt. As people can see there are few of the TAST stitches on this block. These include Sorbello from week 12,  Buttonhole Eyelet Flower and from week 7 Rope Stitch. Where are the other blocks?   You will find all the other blocks …