A short film by Blu

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This short film by Blu is of an amazing animation painted on public walls in Buenos Aires and in Baden. On the artists website you can discover more information about the project. The site also houses an interesting blog  and sketchbooks that visitors can browse. Enjoy! 

Introducing block 29 of the “I dropped the button box” quilt

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I hope people are still enjoying this series as it is time to introduce block 29. This block has dominant colours of rust red and blue Fabric content: Piece 1: Alight weight dress wool Piece 2: Cotton Piece 3: Cotton Piece 4: Damask Cotton hand dyed Piece 5: Velvet Piece …

Work in Progress Wednesday: Lace crazy quilt block 4

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I have been a bit a miss as my work in progress reports but I do have another completed crazy quilt block for my lace quilt. I know it’s been a slow build to this quilt but life gets busy and I plan to get a move on with it, …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 342

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The detail This embroidered seam on section 25  of the For Love of Stitching band sampler is arrow stitch which has been laced with a thicker ribbon. (The ribbon is a hand dyed knitting yarn) Date: This section of the sampler was worked during 2007.   Size:   The For Love of Stitching Band Sampler is …

CQ Detail 191

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Detail: This area is embroidered with a free form feather stitch over lace. This stitching is further embellished by lacing and couching novelty eyelash thread, chenille and then adding  beads which have a pearlescent sheen. Charms of a sea horse and anchor were added last Thread: Hand dyed rayon thread and rayon …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 341

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The detail This lace embellished seam is found on section 25  of the For Love of Stitching band sampler. The edge of seam is further embellished with tied herringbone stitch and straight stitches worked in a gold metallic thread. Small daisy quarters made from 3 detached chain stitches worked in hand dyed perle cotton and a seed …

Di van Niekerk’s New Silk Ribbon Embroidery Video

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Di van Niekerk has produced a new video of how to work a Spiderweb Rose with a French Knot center. I am sure readers will enjoy this. Silk Ribbon Embroidery is wonderfully simple yet has spectacular results. If you are curious about this form of needlework visit Di van Niekerk’s …