Richard box demonstrates free hand machine embroidery

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In this video Richard Box demonstrates  how he progresses from  drawing to finished textile art work using free hand machine embroidery. Even if you do not do machine embroidery there are all sorts of tips and advice about drawing your design on fabric etc  

CQ Detail 179

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Detail: This detail is a button I received in a swap. It has been covered with fine velvet and a silk ribbon embroidery rose has been worked on the surface. Placement on block:  This button sits on piece 1 in the diagram published when I introduced block 27 What is the …

NING news and active links in the comments field

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OK I am a bit late with this, but as readers know I run Stitchin Fingers and it had a question mark over it as NING is now charging. The good news is that NING announced their new plans, and the prices seem quite reasonable. I am sure some well …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 328

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Stitches This seam on section 25  has been worked with an arrow stitch then laced with a ribbon then I added some cream/white beads. Date: This section of the sampler was worked during 2007.   Size:   The For Love of Stitching Band Sampler is 15 cm (6 inches) wide. It consists of different …

CQ Detail 178

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Detail: Along the edge of this ribbon I used straight stitches in an arrow pattern Thread: The thread is a DMC metallic thread that is gold with a black twist of thread spun with it. It comes on a reel and named “antique gold”. It is marked Made in Belgium …

Sites worth exploring: Di van Niekerk

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Teacher and  author Di van Niekerk is a master hand of many embroidery styles is not only producing video tutorials (such as those below) but on her site you can find free projects. Do explore Di van Niekerk‘s site as if you are interested in either stumpwork or silk ribbon embroidery, …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 327

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Stitches This seam on section 25  has been covered with a ribbon then I added stepped threaded running stitch along each edge Thread:  The thread used in the running stitch is perle 8 cotton thread  and I threaded it with rayon ribbon floss. Date: This section of the sampler was worked during …