For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 307

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Stitches The first detail on section 24 is a line of Oyster stitch worked with a seed bead added to the middle. Thread  A hand dyed mulberry silk thread Fabric: Dress or tea towel Linen Dyes:  Procion dyes used on the silk thread Date: This section of the sampler was …

CQ Detail 159

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This morning the detail on block 24 is a hand made ceramic button of a house that I fell in love with and seemed to sit on the block perfectly. The fabric is a vintage cotton and the pattern feels like it represents a forest. What is the story? This regularly published series aims …

Free Pattern: Maureen’s Sewing Caddy

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Over on Maureen’s Vintage Acquisitions Blog your will find that Maureen has released free, the pattern for her Arm Chair Sewing Caddy. This type of caddy not only looks good but is also very useful. If you have not seen this type of design in use they hang over the …

Introducing sections 15, 17 and 24!

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Band 200 was the end of section 13 so it is time to introduce the next. From here on I am afraid my band sampler documentation gets a little complicated. I have decided to keep  section 14 private, as this sampler was used to demonstrate some points in my online …

CQ Detail 158

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The detail: This detail decorates the sides of lace with three straight stitches and seed beads The lace runs across piece 4 on block 24 of the “I dropped the button box” quilt. What is the back story? This regularly published series aims to illustrate and document the hand embroidered seams, embellishments and …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 200

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This line of stitching is a combination of cable chain and wheatear stitch. Thread  A  #5 perle cotton thread Fabric: Linen hand dyed Dyes:  Procion dyes used on the fabric and thread Date: This section of the sampler was worked in January 2006. Size: The For Love of Stitching Band Sampler is …

Photoshop tutorials

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This list of 40 Outstanding Photo Manipulation Tutorials is worth browsing and doing some of the free tuts! I realise only a percentage of my readers have and use Photoshop. An even greater percentage of readers have Photoshop but do not use it because they find it too difficult.  I could …