CQ Detail 141

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The detail: Stitches: This Silk ribbon embroidery floral spray includes  detached chain stitch,  feather stitch,  fly stitch,  French knots,   the rose buds are made using twisted chain stitch, and the roses are made using  woven spiders wheel stitch Thread: 2mm and 4mm silk ribbon, hand dyed silk and  rayon ribbon floss Placement on …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 181

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This is another variation on basic buttonhole stitch which is set in pairs that step and swing from side to side. Fabric and Thread: The sample is worked on Aida fabric using a hand dyed cotton thread which is about the same weight and thickness as perle 8 Size: The sampler is …

CQ Detail 140

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The detail: This is a cluster of buttons is sitting over a velvet ribbon that covers the join between piece 3 and piece 5 on block 21.   What is the story? This regularly published series aims to illustrate and document the hand embroidered seams, embellishments and decorations on my crazy quilt I …

Turning a photo into a design

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Over on Feeling Stitchy there is an excellent tutorial on How to turn a photograph into an embroidery design. Kirsty has illustrated the article step by step and I am sure many embroiderers will find it useful. So run over there …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 180

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This is another variation on basic buttonhole stitch which swings from side to side. Fabric and Thread: The sample is worked on Aida fabric using a hand dyed cotton thread which is about the same weight and thickness as perle 8 Size: The sampler is 15 cm (6 inches) wide and all …

Work in Progress Wednesday: a new quilt!

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It’s about time I instituted my work in progress reports again. They are a useful tool to make me focus on what has been done in the past week. My first work in progress report for the year consists of new quilt I have started. I have just finished piecing …

Introducing block 21 on the “I dropped the button box” quilt

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It is time to introduce block 21, of the “I dropped the button box” quilt. As you can see it is quite a dark block where a spray of silk ribbon flowers overtook! As you can see  this block consists of 7 pieces of fabric Fabric content: Piece 1: After …