Wheatear stitch is a versatile easy stitch that is often used to depict wild grasses and wheat as in the sample above. This sample uses various forms of wheatear. Wheatear consists of two straight stitches worked diagonally in a V-like shape before a chain stitch laces together the stitches at the base.
You can use this stitch to follow a curve or you can work it in single units and arrange it in patterns. Since the structure of the stitch is simple — being a form of lacing between two stitches — the wear and tear on the thread you use is at a minimum. This means once you know and understand how to work the stitch, you can easily experiment with a large variety of threads.
How to work Wheatear Stitch

Work this stitch in a downward motion. Commence with a straight stitch worked at an angle.

Make a second straight stitch, also worked at an angle. Make sure the base of the stitch meets the base of the first stitch. Bring your thread out a little below the base of the V.

Pass your needle from right to left under the two straight stitches.

Pull your needle through and take it to the back of the fabric so that the thread loops in a single chain.

At this stage, you have a single detached wheatear stitch and you can arrange these units in patterns. See the sample below.

Add another diagonal stitch.

Add a second diagonal stitch and bring your thread out further down the line.

Pass your needle under the two diagonal stitches to make the chain-like loop and continue in this manner down the line.

Wheatear is a versatile stitch as you can vary the length of the diagonal straight stitches. Use it for beading, or you can use many types of embroidery thread. You can also work with single units of the stitch and arrange them in patterns.

Wheatear also lends itself to hand-dyed and variegated threads. In this sample, I used 1 ply of Caron Watercolour thread on Aida.

In this sample, I stacked row upon row and worked to create a pattern. I worked rows in both directions and lined them up so they slightly overlap. This method covers enough of the foundation fabric to use it on canvas as a needlepoint stitch.
You can easily lace Wheatear stitch or thread it, and you can use the rows to couch down other threads. Some very interesting effects can be built up this way.

Single detached Wheatear stitch can also be worked in a square. In this sample, I have worked 4 squares building up a pattern. You could easily infill with other stitches such as satin stitch or add beads to build up the patterning.
This last sample the stitch has been used on a Crazy Quilting Block.

I used a silk thread and added extra straight stitches in a metallic thread then topped it off with a bead.
Have you seen my Stitchers Templates?

Create your own designs with Sharon’s easy-to-use stitchers templates. Combine shapes to create hundreds of patterns and designs to embroider. It is the ultimate mix-and-match fun for stitchers of all skill levels. I created them to be as versatile as possible. I include four multi-patterned templates in each set. You will find them easy to use, totally clear to help you position them on your work, and they are nice and compact to fit in your sewing box. Each set comes with an e-book filled with patterns and designs that you can create and use as a jumping-off spot for your own designs. They are available now in our shop here!
Happy stitching!
2018 TAST Stitch #23: https://www.thecrafties.com/2018/12/tast-roundup-3/
Thanks, Sharon!
Completing this month’s TAST – my wheatear stitches are done on paper.
Sandy in the UK
Here is my sample – http://hokkaidokudasai.blogspot.jp/2015/11/take-stitch-tuesday-16-wheatear-stitch.html
Hi Sharon,
I’ve posted my addition of the Wheateater Stitch on my Crazy Quilt at my place. Have a great day!
Hello Sharon! This is a relatively new stitch to me, so it was fun to practice it. Here is a link to my blog post
Catching up! Did wheat ear and crossed buttonhole.
Hadn’t tried this stitch before, but soon found it easy and hassle-free. Wasn’t so interested in it at first — but then I got my beads out and tried different beaded variations with great results! You can check them out here: http://wildrosesandblackberries.blogspot.com/2012/05/tast-week-17-wheatear-stitch.html
I found the wheatear stitch to be quite enjoyable to do. Thanks for introducing it through TAST. Included the sampler in my TAST embroidery journal. Pictures are here:
Lots of fantastic examples of this stitch to see here. I was a bit late posting but I gave it a go.
Oops, we’re on Week 18 and I am just posting Week 17. I like this stitch! http://quiltisland.blogspot.com/2012/04/wheatears-and-spring-flowers.html
This is my first TAST and this is the link to my Wheatear stitch samples on Flickr
Wait for me! Sharon has already posted the week 17 highlights but in my country it still is Monday. Here is mine
Iris Lins
Here is my wheat ear stitch sample. I had fun with it!
I have posted photos of my Wheatear stitching – come by and have a look!
Wheat Ear Stitch scribble has been posted on Facebook, Flickr, and Stitchin Fingers.
Hope to get a blog post done soon but catching up with loads of stuff due to being in the hospital since Wednesday with my husband who took a bad fall and ended up having a pacemaker installed.
Hi Sharon,
I had mistakenly pasted your blog, instead of mine,
my wheat ear sampler is here
thank you,
I combined Weeks 16 & 17 into a little abstract flower. Here’s a link to my photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sue_u/7124688689/in/photostream
Hope you enjoy viewing it as much as I enjoyed stitching it! I’m contemplating adding some sort of filling stitch (pulled thread work maybe?) into the background, as well as an embroidered border around the outer edge.
Rather late but finished!
First pf all sorry that I have to disable the right click button in my blog and also added ‘nopin, not to go under any more trauma of issues like reposting and pinning without any link backs or credits.
For TAST challenge, I am posting my works in stitchinfingers too. Please you can use them if they impress you.
My sincere apologies for this.
I my my blog some old and new work
In stitchinfingers
I am trying to catch up having lost a week while traveling. The wheat ear stitch is quicker going than the french knot sample I’m doing. You can see my wheat ear here:
Another very neat stitch I had not done or even heard of before! Loved it!! http://jennypennypoppy.blogspot.ca/
Thanks Sharon 🙂
I have finished my Wheatear sampler and put it on my Flickr page.
I have tried twice and my comments don’t seem to register? hope this one does?
Wheat ear sample week 17
I post a picture of my wheatear stitch sampler on
and on: http://stitchinfingers.ning.com/photo/tast-week-17-wheatear-stitch?context=latest
re-did my shoal of minnows.
got a bit enthusiastic and had another go. xx
I love this stitch… My work on this week’s and the past 3 week’s stitches can be seen on my blog.
I love this stitch! My work on this week’s and the last 3 weeks’ stitches can be seen on my blog at
Hi Sharon,
I have started on this week’s wheat ear stitch, my blog-
thank you,
Here is my Wheatear Stitch .
I have posted two wheat ear stitch samples on my blog.
Here are my experiments for this week:
Here’s my attempt with the wheatear stitch, it was a pleasure learning a new stitch and being part of the group here http://embroiderandsew.blogspot.com/2012/04/tast-week-17-wheatear-stitch.html
Wheatear Stitch!
I have posted this weeks stitch to my blog;
and also to the Flikr group;http://www.flickr.com/photos/carorose/6975037664/
Bonjour Sharon ,
Voici mon exercice de la semaine , intégré dans une pochette , j’ai joins l’utile à l’agréable …
Bon week end
Hi, Had a terrible week….ended up in hospital, so sorry Sharon this is late
You can find my sample here…….
chris richards
OK…here is my entry! This is so fun!!! http://asucculentlife.blogspot.com/2012/04/tastmy-2nd-entry.html
I hadn’t used the Wheatear for some time so it was really nice to create something with this versatile stitch:
Hi Friends, my post for the week 17
This is my Wheatear Stitch´s work.
Have a nice weekend!!!
My efforts are on my blog
Here is my wheat ear stitch sampler:
I love this stitch. So nice for making flowers and plants.
my work for this week is on my blog :
Thank’s for the visit.
Here is my attempt on this week’s stitch which was completely new for me: http://fabricfusion.blogspot.com/2012/04/tast-17-wheatearstitch.html
J’ai testé ce nouveau point , que je ne connaissais pas, sur deux ouvrages, en ligne et en point de remplisssage.
Quelques photos ici, http://6stem5.canalblog.com
I made little bunches. You can see it here:
i am having fun. had another go.
Vous pourrez voir ici mon petit travail de la semaine. bonne journée
This one I enjoyed! Here’s the link to my blog post: http://debbiesfiberwork.blogspot.com/2012/04/tast-week-17.html
Thanks, Sharon. Have a good weekend.
Hi Sharon,
This is my simple experiment with smooth gold purl – http://letslearnembroidery.blogspot.in/2012/04/goldwork-wheatear-stitch.html
It’s me again.Just want you to know that I’ve uploaded another picture.Please click the same link.Thanks.
Sharon ,
Here is my post for this weeks challenge.
My wheatear sample has been put up on Stitchin Fingers and I will blog about it later in the day. Loving the wheatear stitch now and will definitely be using it again
I have posted my week 17 efforts at
Thanks for the Antique patterns pointer, Sharon, I used part of one element for the Wheatear. I can see I’ll get a lot of use from these.
Week 17 Wheatear stitch was a new stitch for me and after doing it awhile I really liked it.
I didn’t know this stitch before, I wish I had more time this week to try it!
Some headache about this stitch – but help from down under – it is like a wonder!
This time I am early (most of the time I post after a week on tuesday), enjoying the unfamiliar stitch http://borduurblog.blogspot.com/2012/04/wheatear.html .
Loved this week’s stitch! Thank you, Sharon, for all the fun you’ve given me so far!
my sample for week 17
I’ve taken the stitch, you can see it here
Thank’s for the visit
I found the Wheatear stitch to be fun. Here is my sampler.
Hi Sharon, thank you very much, you have posted my work last week !
Now you can see my work for the wwek 17 here : http://homemadebyme.tumblr.com/post/21847874956/tast-2012-semaine-17-wheatear-stitch-point
I had fun learning this stitch this week. Here’s my blog post:
my favourite part was ‘discovering’ the star shapes……
Here are my wheatear studies: http://thatyankstitches.multiply.com/journal/item/306/Take_A_Stitch_Tuesday_2012_Challenge_-_Week_17
TAST WEEK 17 Wheatear stitch (detatched). Shoal of Minnows.
will tinker to make them not see thru i think 🙂
TAST WEEK 17 Wheatear stitch (detatched)
. Shoal of Minnows.
Thank you so much Sharon so simple I have been putting the paste into the website bit.
Thanks Sharon, I have added my wheatear stitch on my SF page
and on my blog at
Here’s mine. This week’s stitch is one I love, first time round!!
People are on the ball this week, some samples were on stitchin fingers before I had even had the email telling me it was to be wheatear!
What I cant seem to master is getting a link to my posting to work here what am I doing wrong.
Leave the link in the comment complete with the http bit and it should work
Last time I tried this stitch I found it difficult, however, this time I managed to ‘get’ it. I have tried using it on an abstract background and have posted my photo on SF
this is my first attempt in this wheatear stitch
I had a LOT of fun with this stitch. In fact, I kind of went a bit nuts, changing colors for different parts, adding a second chain stitch within each original one, and adding French knots to the mix. I think my quilt needs a few more strands of this fabulous “seaweed”, what do you think?
http://christinaroland.blogspot.com/2012/04/tast-week-17.html Tried my luck at this very new, very exciting stitch. Thinking of how to make something other than grass or grain.
This is a new stitch for me. I like it and will try to use it again. You can see my attempt to learn it here
It’s neen a long time since I used wheatear stitch! Here’s my weekly post with old samples:
this is my first attempt with this stitch
Had the time to complete two weeks of challenges! Now I can sit back, relax and enjoy everyone else’s beautiful creations!
Week 17 – Wheatear Stitch
Week 16 – French Knot stitch
This is a stitch I’ve used, but I haven’t come close to mastering. I’m so glad it was included since I think it is striking.
That looks like a pretty stitch, I can see it on something fancy! I’ll have to give it a go!