Algerian Eye stitch creates a decorative star-like pattern and can often be found on canvas work, pulled work, embroidery and forms of counted-thread work which means traditionally it is worked on even-weave fabric. It is also known as Star stitch. The sample above is a mix of Algerian eye stitch and Algerian overlapping border stitch. It is worked on 18 count Aida cloth, using wool, cotton Perle #8 and stranded cotton floss.
If you want to use Algerian Eye Stitch on regular dress fabric, or on a crazy quilt block, you can use waste canvas and appliqué or otherwise incorporate it into the project.
Using different arrangements of Algerian Eye Stitch, it is very easy to build up interesting designs, motifs and patterns. Algerian Eye is related to Eyelet stitch – which has numerous varieties. Often these varieties combine well with Algerian Eye and can lead to endless experimentation resulting in interesting patterns.
How to work Algerian Eye stitch
Algerian eye stitch is made up of straight stitches arranged in a square. Refer to the illustration and work each straight stitch into the centre hole by bringing your needle out on the edge of the stitch, and taking it back down into the central hole.
Work Algerian Eye Stitch with the fabric held under tension in an embroiderer’s hoop or on a needlework frame.
Often this stitch is used as filling
You can also work this stitch over beads. I particularly like using flat round beads with a large hole in the middle such as small donuts and heishi beads.
How to work the pulled version of Algerian Eye Stitch
You can also use Algerian Eye Stitch as a pulled embroidery stitch. With each stitch, tug the thread slightly so that the fabric distorts. The little tug pulls the fabric and creates the holes in the centre of each stitch. The more you pull, the larger the central hole becomes.
If you want to emphasise the hole, you can, by gently poking the end of the knitting needle into the hole to widen it a little.
Enjoy experimenting!
Have you seen my book?
My book The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design: Simple Stitches, Stunning Results shares detailed practical methods on how to design and make a crazy quilt. Topics such as fabric choice, tricky challenges like balancing colour, texture and pattern, and how to create movement to direct your viewers eye around the block are covered in detail. I also explain how to stitch and build decorative seam treatments in interesting and creative ways. My book is profusely illustrated as my aim is to be practical and inspiring.
Stitchers templates
My templates aim to help you take your stitching to the next level. Designed by an embroiderer for embroiderers. With them you can create hundreds of different hand embroidery patterns to embellish your seams with flair. These templates are easy to use, made of clear plastic so you can position them easily and are compact in your sewing box.
These are simple to use. You simply position the template in place and use a quilter’s pencil to trace along the edge of the template. Stitch along this line to decorate the seam. I have a free ebook of patterns to accompany each set which illustrates how they can be used.
TO ORDER your Stitchers Templates
Crazy Quilt Templates set 1 you will find here
Crazy Quilt Templates set 2 you will find here
Thanks for including this stitch in TAST 2020. My sample is here.
Acabo de descubrir tu arte ! Felicidades ! Y muchas gracias por tu generosidad al compartir tus conocimientos ! Saludos desde México!!
I just learned about your great site and plan to use it in my “Year in Stitches” class at CEG London. A different stitch, or stitches, a day starting at “a”. I am really looking forward to it!
Deb I hope everyone enjoys the challenge!
Looks like fun.
Absolutely beautiful Sharon, love everything, ♡♡
Hi Sharon,
As I wanted to catch up I used this stitch to complete the flower spray which I embroidered with the knotted buttonhole stitch. The result is here:
My winter fabric book page for Maureen arrived, so I could write a post about it. I stitched Algerian eyes around a pulled thread snowflake:
Just discovered the TAST challenge – what a fantastic idea, and just what I need to get me stitching again. Here’s my effort
(later edit from Sharon B) Sorry Since Stitching Fingers is now closed this link is now dead
I had fun with this week’s stitch:
I stitched a 2 x 2 inch sampler on Aida:
I enjoyed stitching this.
I enjoyed doing this stitch and could have done this all day.
I’m on time this week – yay! Here’s my post about my (very small) sample of Algerian Eye stitch:
I bet I am the last to post – again! Sorry!
playing with this stitch is so easy and pretty.
I want todo some more.ofcourse later.
Now my trial is at my blog.
here is my sampler for Algerian Eye Stitch..i did it on plastic canvas and put a lot of effort on this..
I thought I would try a different background fabric for the stitch this week. As I am a drawn thread work tragic I loved working it.
I have added it to the Flickr set:
Didn’t get as much done as I’d wanted to, but something is better than nothing.
another new stitch for me, thank you Sharon and everyone!
I used oyster stitches and Algerian eyes on a project I’m working on:
There will be more, because I prepared a new Aida sampler to experiment with Algerian eyes.
I have done this stitch before, but no complaints from me, I’m glad for the motivation.
I used the stitch of this week to embroider the second part of my little project. My daughter Pauline did too is row of stitch.
Here’s my example of the Algerian Eye. The shapes that can be created from this stitch seem to be endless!
Voici le lien vers mon ouvrage de la semaine:
I loved playing with this stitch.
Here is my work for this week.
I’ve added to the sample I did for stitchfiles and produced another more contemporary one ,combined with my 1st attempt at cutwork
here is my sampler of the week:
I like play with this stitch . Thanks
My stitches 29-31 weeks
Hi Sharon and all,
no complaints, I appreciate learning so many different kinds of stitches. Thanks, Sharon. Here is my exercise:
Here are my eye stitch. An other nice stitch I didn’t practice…. http;//
Liked the stitch and made two sampler both on Aida and sateen.
no squawking here, I enjoyed this week’s stitch
Did it again, pushing the post button without link:
I’ve just uploaded my sample of Algerian Eye stitch – had a lot of fun with this one.
Hello Sharon, this one also blew me away…………I love this stitch…………………..You can see my sample here…………………….
Chris richards
My sample can be seen here:
Hi Sharon & Friends, my post for the week. Thank you all.
I finished my sampler. I even did it on felt, and it worked great (but had to use a hoop this time). See it at:
here is my sample for this week’s challenge
Here is my band of Algerian eyes…
I’ve done this stitch a lot but never played with it before so I enjoyed altering orientation and stitch length as well as thread types.
So, if people squawk or complain, is this because they have done this stitch over and over? I must be the only one on the planet then who has never played with this stitch. Thank you for creating the opportunity for me to have a go!
Carole, there are at least two of us!!
I have always wanted to try this stitch and this is what I needed to push to do it. Since it is a stitch that does not really lend itself the crazy quilting I have been doing I did it on paper. Just another surface I love to use.
Hi Sharon, I used eyelet stitch on week 14 satin stitch mandala……..and yes you’ve guessed it……I love the stitch,
so I’m certainly not complaining !!
Thank you Sharon for all that you do,
Chris richards
Hi Sharon,
I was inspired by your algerian eye stitches on your sampler. thanks for including this stitch on the challenge. my earlier worked sampler is here-
Thank you,
Though I have not been good about keeping up with TAST 2012 (what’s new?) I have always had the most fun with the least “promising” stitches……for me there’s more of a challenge to make something new and interesting out of something perceived as being common than mastering a more complex stitch that perhaps is not as versatile.
Great timing, it’s the perfect stitch for an embroidery I’m working on! Here’s my weekly post with old Algerian eyes:
I’m not going to complain. Since you had all those Algerian eye sections on your sampler, I’ve been thinking about it and now you’ve given me a push. Don’t know that I’ll do more than try the different ways you have shown here, but who knows what that might inspire.
Now why would we squawk ? It is a lovely stitch, and now we don’t need to do it – you have done it beautifully for us. !! Best to you. Peg
Yes Peggy people do squawk but not necessarily publicly but via email. Most are polite about it but it is a case of some wanting more crazy quilting stitches others wanting more surface stitches, others wanting stitches used in drawn work or pulled work or canvas work etc. You would be surprised however just occasionally I get an email that is not so polite. But it’s a case of not being able to please all of the people all of the time so I aim to please some of the people some of the time!