Woven detached chain stitch

Woven detached chain stitch

sample of woven detached chain stitch
how to work Woven detached chain stitch

As the name indicates, Woven detached chain stitch is just as it sounds – a detached chain stitch that has been woven or laced with thread. The stitch is simple to work. And it also makes delightful little leaf shapes that you can use in floral sprays. It is fun to do and looks great if you use a variegated or hand-dyed thread to weave the stitch.

How to hand Embroider Woven detached chain stitch

how to work Woven detached chain stitch
how to work Woven detached chain stitch
how to work Woven detached chain stitch

The stitch starts out as a detached chain that you work in a slightly loose manner. The loop of the chain stitch acts as the foundation on which to weave. The weaving will pull the thread tighter. Take a thread to the back and bring your thread out at the top of the chain stitch. Slide your needle under one side of the chain stitch, pointing your needle towards the centre. You are not going through the fabric, you just go under the loop of the chain stitch. Pull the needle through to the other side of the chain stitch. Turn your needle. And then slide the needle under the loop of the chain stitch, keeping the needle pointing towards the centre.

how to work Woven detached chain stitch
how to work Woven detached chain stitch

Pull the needle through to the other side of the chain stitch. Repeat this weaving action back and forth. As you weave, pack the weaving slightly by nudging the weaving up the chain stitch with the end of the needle. When you get to the base of the chain stitch, pack it neatly and take your thread to the back of your work and finish off. As you can see, Woven Detached Chain stitch makes a little leaf shape.

I hope you enjoy and have loads of fun with this stitch.

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Floral-themed Stitchers templates for hand embroiderers

With this set of stitchers templates, you can create your own floral-themed designs. You can easily combine petal and leaf shapes with the curved edges of the templates to create all sorts of floral and organic motifs. You will be able to create hundreds of different patterns to embroider. It is the ultimate mix-and-match fun for stitchers.

templates set 3

The set comes with an e-book with instructions and is filled with patterns and designs that you can create and use as jumping-off spots for your own designs.

They are available now in the shop here

Enjoy your stitching!


  1. I can’t decide whether to say I’ve caught up (on my schedule, my week 7 & 8 are late β€” it’s week 9 for me), getting ahead (I also worked week 12) or on schedule because I also worked stitches 56, 57, 58! They’re all chain stitch variations, and I made a sampler! Chain stitch variations rock!

  2. I have a question about Rosette stitch (the chain variation)… I am finishing up my TAST 2012 week 7&8 samples. Is the whole line of stitches just supposed to lay there and be well-behaved even though they are so easily disturbed? I can’t seem to find a tension/stitch size that makes them stay put! Can anyone help, please?

    1. Rosette chain is a difficult stitch (I nearly said a cow of stitch) because if you don’t space it closely it pops up – it cant be too wide either. You have to pack it quite tight for ti to begin to behave.
      Hope this tip helps

      1. I made 5-6 different rows of it, trying different things. I had come to that conclusion but am so glad to have it verified β€” thank you! Meanwhile, all but 1.5 rows are trying really hard, but failing, to be well-behaved πŸ˜‰ But they’re staying! Because even though I am making a creation, it is still my learning cloth.
        Thanks again.

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