Top Knotted Buttonhole

Top Knotted Buttonhole

Top Knotted Buttonhole stitch is a variety of buttonhole stitch with a knot set at the top of each arm.

Instead of working it in a straight line, you can vary the length of the arms to create patterns. You can use it as a couching stitch to hold down novelty threads. Since Top Knotted Buttonhole is a variety of buttonhole stitch it works well as decorative edging stitch and holds curves well. When worked in a circle or around a large bead it makes a decorative little flower motif.

How to work Top Knotted Buttonhole Stitch

Top Knotted Buttonhole Stitch step 1This stitch is worked from left to right between two lines.

Bring your thread up on the bottom line and loop your thread around the needle as illustrated.

Insert the needle on the top line and nudge the knot down against the fabric. Angle your needle so that you can take a bite of the fabric with the needle’s point emerging on the bottom line.

Top Knotted Buttonhole Stitch step 2With the thread under the needle as you would do in normal buttonhole stitch, pull the needle through the fabric downward towards you to make the first stitch.

Top Knotted Buttonhole Stitch step 3If you have trouble controlling the knot at this stage, place your left thumb and hold your half-formed stitch between thumb and forefinger as you pull the thread through.

Top Knotted Buttonhole Stitch step 4Continue in this manner along the line.

I worked this sample using perle # 5 cotton. You can experiment with threads as this stitch looks good worked in thicker threads or even a fine ribbon.

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My book for creative stitchers

Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery book coverIf you enjoy my site you will get real value from my book  Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery: Visual Guide to 120 Essential Stitches for Stunning Designs

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned embroiderer, Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery gives you techniques to encourage a fresh and creative embroidery style. Discover play points in your embroidery. Explore variations in height and width. Or try stacking stitches, or using repetitions of the same stitch to create areas of texture and shape. All these techniques and more will give you creative variations. I have included numerous demonstrations of small tweaks that create big effects to send you down your own creative path.


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