Kikos Flower Stitch

Kikos Flower Stitch

I was shown how to work Kiko Flower by a lady from Japan. Her English was not good but she called it flower stitch because worked in a ring it can form a flower. True to skills handed on in the oral tradition I call it Kiko’s flower stitch because I have not seen it documented elsewhere. If you know Kikos Flower by another name, leave a comment as  I would love to know.

Added Later: Mystery solved! I received an email from Queenie of Queenies Needlework  pointing me to the books of Japanese author Sadako Totsuka who looks to be the inventor of this stitch. In Totsuka Embroidery book 8, the stitch is numbered 56, rather than named.

You need to know buttonhole wheel stitch and how to make a bullion knot to work this stitch. You can work 4, 5 and 6 petals of the flower easily. Instead of French knots for the middle you can also add beads.

How to work Kiko’s Flower Stitch

The step by step samples are in perle #5 cotton
Step by step tutorial on how to work Kikos flower stitch 1

Start with a detached chain stitch.

Step by step tutorial on how to work Kikos flower stitch 2Keeping on a curve (as illustrated) insert the needle at the base of the chain stitch and bringing the point out on the outer edge wrap the thread under the needle to make a quarter of a buttonhole wheel stitches in a small fan shape.
Step by step tutorial on how to work Kikos flower stitch 3On the outer edge insert the needle into stitches as illustrated.
Step by step tutorial on how to work Kikos flower stitch 4Make a bullion knot to catch the stitches down.
Step by step tutorial on how to work Kikos flower stitch 5This unit is what Kiko called a stitch and she worked them in units of 4, 5 or 6.

Step by step tutorial on how to work Kikos flower stitch 6As you can see it makes a nice shape for a textured flower just ad some French knots or beads to the middle.

Step by step tutorial on how to work Kikos flower stitch 7You can also create cascades with this stitch to create petals on a wisteria vine


  1. Hi, Sharon

    I agree that this is a beautiful flower stitch. But being the dolt I am, I can’t get from a to b. Looks like I’m hung up at the base of the chain stitch. I just don’t know what you mean. I’ve fiddled with if but didn’t quite make. Please help!

  2. HI Sharon,

    I have seen a few people using this stitch for their flowers and Loved it. I’m so glad you have detailed instructions for us. YOU ARE THE BOMB (even though my grandkids say that no one says that anymore – for you it fits) 🙂
    Hugs Kristie

    kristie Watson
  3. I look forward to making these! I know exactly which project I will add them to, it is just a matter of figuring out if it will be a seam or a motif… Decisions, decisions!

    This week I completed Stitches 130 and 131 – the double lock and beaded lock stitches. I really enjoy these stitches. Once I get into a groove, they are quite relaxing. 🙂 I may have added a blurb about your generosity, too. Thank you for making another donation to CQI for one of their drawings!

  4. Hi, I’ve newly discovered TAST so I’m currently waaaaaay back at herringbone stitch. However, I’m observing the new stitches with interest.

    Sharon, I’m wondering, how many stitches are there going to be in this round of TAST? I was considering making a single mega-sampler with all the stitches and it would be nice to know for lay out purposes. Here’s hoping for a nice number like 144 😉

    1. Hi Morgan I am not sure how many stitches will be in TAST to be honest there would easily be a lot more stitches than 144 it is case of figuring if I want to continue next year – or take a break for a while and continue. I had thought to take a break next year but then I might decide to add more after a break I really am not sure. I realise that answer must be very frustrating – perhaps do a sampler that you can add to if needed. Sorry I cant be more definite


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