Bags of fun challenge update

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Bags of fun challenge update

I have just noticed the ticker for the bags of fun challenge that Sharlee has on her Blank page with a few scribbles

I have just put one on the guidelines page. You can get them from the ticker factory. I found the one I used in the countdown to a special event section. It’s a bit of fun but also a very handy reminder to any event that involves a countdown. I have often spotted tickers used in textile practioners sidebars to gauge the progress of large projects.

Life at work is still busy but this weekend I will post another work in progress image of my bag. Take a look at the Bags of fun flickr group as bags are shaping up and taking form. I plan to do a round up on the weekend as to what people have been doing and a full general update for as you can see its only two months until the deadline of Novemeber 8th.

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