Laced Pekinese

Laced Pekinese is a stitch that creates a great braid like texture yet unlike many of the heavy embroidery stitches it can follow a curved line well because Pekinese stitch has a foundation of back stitches. Also since it has a foundation of back stitches it makes a good stitch …

Tips and Tricks for National Embroidery Month

Just a quick heads up. In The US it is National Embroidery Month. As part of the celebrations, Christen Brown has rounded up a number of the C&T authors to share their best Embroidery tips and tricks. Writers that contributed their best tips are myself, Aimee Ray, author of Doodle …

Threaded Back Stitch

Threaded Back Stitch creates a decorative line that is quick and easy to work. It is an ideal stitch for children’s projects, yet interesting enough for experienced stitchers as you can vary this stitch by using different weights of thread, colours, and textures. Since it is based on Back stitch …

Let the Good Times Roll Stitching my 2021 Band Sampler

For many years, I have been adding a strip of stitching to a long Stitch-roll or what is traditionally called a band sampler.  My sampler is a strip of fabric where I improvise stitches, add bands in a freeform manner and often journal on it too. If you want to …

Tutorial on how to work Ainu Running Stitch

Ainu Running Stitch is a type of running stitch that comes from indigenous people of northern Japan, known as the Ainu. I discovered this stitch via Queeniepatch. Visit Queenie to read more about the stitch. Apart from traditional applications Ainu Running Stitch lends itself to experimenting with different thickness of threads, …

How to start embroidery without a Knot

Some people worry about knots on the back of their project. In some cases there is a good reason. In other projects if you use knots to start a thread it is your business alone. Often people are embroidering a project that will have batting between the top layer where …

Creative Happy Hour – Embroidery: Hand Stitching Past, Present and Future

Just a quick heads up to announce that I am one of the invitees on the expert panel for this Creative Happy Hour event run by C&T. So if you have any embroidery related questions you may be interested in joining us. Creative Happy Hour Embroidery: Hand Stitching Past, Present …