Sites worth exploring: The Visual Dictionary

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Anyone who enjoys quirky signs and signage will enjoy this site. The Visual Dictionary is described as …”a collection of words in the real world. Photographs of signage, graffiti, advertising, tattoos, you name it, we’re trying to catalogue it.” With over seven and half thousand images they have got a …

Sites worth bookmarking: Hoop love

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If you enjoy vintage embroidery or collect vintage embroidery transfers this site is worth bookmarking and browsing regularly. Hoop love is a  flickr group devoted to sharing vintage embroidery transfers that are out of copyright. There are thousands  of designs that have been posted to the group. If you are as …

Turning a photo into a design

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Over on Feeling Stitchy there is an excellent tutorial on How to turn a photograph into an embroidery design. Kirsty has illustrated the article step by step and I am sure many embroiderers will find it useful. So run over there …

A free fun font for stitchers

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I was tempted to title this a A free fun font for fabulous fantastic funny stitchers but I resisted. I was poking around Font Squirrel and found Costura a free cross stitch font which I could not resist. 

Hand Made Postcards using Silk Habotai

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I have recently encountered Hand Made Postcards using silk habotai by Debbie Babin. This  article caught my eye as the technique is slightly different. The card is quilted first then dyed. I went on to explore the site. Debbie Babin is a Mixed media textile artist. Do venture further than …


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For those who want a contemporary take on their sewing projects don’t miss browsing the sewing section of the ReadyMade site where there are loads of economical and green DIY projects. Many are quick and easy to make so if you only have basic sewing skills don’t fear there is …