How to tie cord knots

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Threads magazine has published a tutorial on how to make better cord knots. Susan Khalji has illustrated how to make them softer and easier to tie. These knots are a great finishing technique which can be used with all sorts of crafts situations. It is a handy skill to have …

How to work a needle woven picot

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Since people are exploring needleweaving for this months Stitch explorer challenge  I thought I might show you another needle woven stitch called Needle woven picot. It is great stitch that you can make short or quite long. They are very effective if worked on mass or if you work them …

Drawn thread embroidery book online

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I discovered two files on  the Antique Pattern Library web site that are a very useful and free book on Drawn thread embroidery. If you are interested in even weave stitching techniques you will enjoy  Part I – Drawn Thread Embroidery by Therese Dillmont (PDF) and Part II – Drawn Thread …

A Treatise on Embroidery, Crochet and Knitting online

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It’s time to go out and buy some more printing ink as in my constant trawling I have found another gem which I think readers will enjoy. The full and wordy title is A Treatise on Embroidery, Crochet and Knitting with illustrations adapted to the use of M.Heminway and Sons’ …

Tutorial: How to crochet Mollie Flowers

Brigitte Read has written a great illustrated  tutorial on how to make crochet Mollie flowers. Those who enjoy crochet both free form and in a more traditonal structure will enjoy making these and they are a great way to use up wool scraps and you can link them together to make larger …

Embroidery book online

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Embroidery Stitches by M.E. Wilkinson is available online free at the Internet Archive. I selected to download it as PDF file but you can view this book via a number of options. It is 216 pages of embroidery stitches illustrated by drawings. Published in 1912 as with any book of …

Sites worth bookmarking Coats & Clark

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Coats & Clark’s Needlecraft Centre hosts numerous (the site claims hundreds) of free patterns that you can embroider, sew, quilt, knit and crochet. For instance in the hand embroidery section they have free projects, instructional material and feature articles. Recently in their feature articles they have published some cutwork embroidery …