Decorative art and fine art books online

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There is a large library of online art books, free to download at the Onlinebooks housed by the University of Pennsylvania. This resource is not limited to the topic of art as there is a digitised library to explore. Another category that kept me busy browsing is the Decorative Arts. …

Great Ric Rac tutorials

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Before I dash off to work I just wanted to point to Old Crazy Stitcher as there are some great tutorials on using  Ric Rac for motifs. Crazy quilters will love them as embellishments. Thanks Ira for drawing my attention to them in the comments – they are well done …

Free Embroidery Projects and Lessons

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I have recently discovered Needlework tips and which houses articles on embroidery and free projects. Pattern Darning is quick and easy not only teaches you how to do pattern darning but it also provides a free project. An introduction to pulled thread embroidery explains what pulled thread work is …

Fiber Forum on Wet Canvas

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I am sure I have pointed to the Wet Canvas Site before as it houses so many tutorials and forums on acrylic, watercolour, oil painting, drawing, and mixed mixed media. Now They have a new fiber arts forum which I am sure readers will enjoy investigating. Other forums on Wet …

Beginners tips for needlework

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One of the constant questions asked by those who are new to hand embroidery is how to transfer a design to fabric so that you can stitch it. I have just stumbled upon Back to Basics useful tips and techniques which is provided by the UK based Embroiderers Guild magazine …

Taking Professional Photos of your work

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Now I have never thought of using a visual journal in this way although I am sure I have done it as when taking a photo like this I usually use a piece of A4 paper and I know if my visual journal was lying on the table I would …

Temari balls

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I have always delighted in temari balls particularly as Christmas draws near as many crafters here in OZ make them as Christmas decorations for the tree. They are a great way to use up scrap yarn and they make great gifts too! Japanese Temari explains a little about the history …