Free hand embroidery patterns

Free hand embroidery patterns

free hand embroidery patternThe Antique pattern library is hosting a book of Anchor embroidery transfers that are out of copyright and free to share. I have sampled some pages so you can see what is on offer.
free hand embroidery pattern 2The book contains over 100 pages of patterns that contemporary embroiderers will love.

free hand embroidery patternMany are from the Art Nouveau and Art Deco era and still have a modern look. Border designs such as these are always inspiration for me.

free hand embroidery patternThere are some motifs that I am sure many crazy quilters will find useful to use in the middle of patches, in corners or over seams.

free hand embroidery patternYou can of course use them as a design source and adapt and change to suit your needs.

free hand embroidery patternI think readers will really enjoy these and better still they are free! Visit the Antique pattern Library  to see the whole book of Anchor embroidery transfers and legally have a copy

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  1. Sharon,
    I am so glad that you are posting again. We missed you. Am thinking that your book has progressed to the point where you have a little free time and energy. A book is an unbelievable amount of work. As I know well.


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