
Ukrainian embroidery:

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I have been poking around the net looking at Ukrainian cross stitch (khrestyk) embroidery. The motifs and traditional patterns are built up using a type of cross stitch referred to as “Nabiruvannia”. Often traditional stitching is referred to as folk art but I see it as a living craft because …

Marla Mallett lace collection online

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Marla Mallett has placed online much of her personal collection of Lace in order to illustrate the techniques and structures of lace making. About 100 images reside on this site each notated and explained. Click on the images and you are treated to magnified details of each piece. This site …

Antique sewing boxes

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All people I know who are involved with textiles have emotional attachments to objects associated with textiles. It may be something as practical as favourite scissors or our sewing machine. In my case one of my most valued objects is a sewing cabinet made for me by my husband. I …

Blackwork embroidery Archives

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I am sure that many people are aware of The Blackwork embroidery Archives as this site has been online since 1996. The collection of sixteenth and seventeenth century inspired blackwork patterns has grown over this period to a huge resource. Many historical costumers would be aware of the site, are …

Ruskin Lace

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Ruskin Lace is defined by Elizabeth Prickett as A combination of Cut Linen Work, Drawn Thread and Needle Made Lace, worked on to an evenly woven fabric, with very distinctive results. Elizabeth Prickett aims to share her love and knowledge of this form of traditional needlecraft on the site. Techniques, …

Karelian embroidery

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I have been reminded about how textiles are often associated with births, marriage and death as I have discovered an illustrated article on Karelian embroidery which points out that this form of stitching dates back to 1200 AD. Often the patterns were said to have magical connotations. The pieces were …

Lace designs:

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I found this online facsimile of a book of lace designs by Federic Vinciolo who in 1606 was commissioned by the French court to produce lace. Many of these designs could be used as a design source – converted to cross stitch and used on samplers. Thinking about it, I …