How to work Wheatear stitch

Wheatear stitch is a versatile easy stitch that is often used to depict wild grasses and wheat as in the sample above. This sample uses various forms of wheatear. Wheatear consists of two straight stitches worked diagonally in a V-like shape before a chain stitch laces together the stitches at the base. …

Couching Stitch

Couching is a wonderful technique that many embroiderers forget about, but it is easy to do and a wonderful way to use interesting textured novelty threads in your embroidery. You can create wonderful surfaces by couching down threads and then embroidering over the top of them. Combined with beads and …

Resolution: from Digital to Cloth

Resolution: from Digital to Cloth was opened yesterday. The exhibition is held at the Foyer Gallery at the ANU School of Art here in Canberra. Often people outside the textile community are surprised to hear that a textile practitioner also works with digital media or that someone interested in digital …