For the love of Stitching sampler band 532

This area is part of section 36 on of the For Love of Stitching band sampler.  This area is an experiment that was inspired by the experiments in Algerian eye stitches I did a few bands before. Thread: The thread is hand dyed silk. Fabric: Hand dyed 18 cnt Aida Date: …

For the love of Stitching sampler band 531

This area is part of section 36 on of the For Love of Stitching band sampler marked Australia Day 2009 and the Chinese New year. The previous area spilled over – hence the invasion of stitches from above. Thread: The thread used is wool Fabric: Hand dyed cotton found in a …

For the love of Stitching sampler band 530

This area is part of section 36 on of the For Love of Stitching band sampler.  This area is an experiment in Algerian eye stitches and its variations combined with beads and French knots. Thread: The threads are mixed as in this section you will see wool, perle#8 and perle#5 cotton …

Work in Progress Wednesday

This year I hope to have the odd entry where I share some of the processes I use. Most of them I think of as simple little techniques or approaches to a problem. They are methods I have developed over the years and I hope that readers find them useful. I …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler Band 529

This  area is part of section 36 on of the For Love of Stitching band sampler.  This band is made up of straight stitches worked line upon line as you would with Bargello embroidery. Thread: Hand dyed perle#8 and perle#5 cotton and hand dyed silk Fabric: Hand dyed 18 cnt Aida. …

Section 36 on the For Love of Stitching Band Sampler

With TAST 2012 around the corner some people are considering working a long band sampler. Most questions have revolved around what fabric I use and how I chose the width. I have a Sampler FAQ that answers most question.  To be honest I have used all sort so fabrics because …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 525

This is the last band on Section 35 of the For Love of Stitching band sampler.  I was experimenting with patterns of simple stitches worked in different threads. Thread: Hand dyed rayon, wool, cotton and a metalic blending thread Fabric: Hand dyed Aida Date: This section of the sampler was …