For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 327

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Stitches This seam on section 25  has been covered with a ribbon then I added stepped threaded running stitch along each edge Thread:  The thread used in the running stitch is perle 8 cotton thread  and I threaded it with rayon ribbon floss. Date: This section of the sampler was worked during …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 324

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Stitches This is area on section 25 of my band sampler is covered with an old piece of hand made lace. The Vintage buttons actually cover a tear in the lace as I found it in a second had shop. Make a cuppa and I will tell you the story.  The old …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 308

Stitches This motif is made up of buttonhole wheels. The flowers are worked with a seed bead added to the middle and the greenery are made of half and part buttonhole wheels. The butterfly is made of by working the wings in double cast on stitch, the body in bullion stitch …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 307

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Stitches The first detail on section 24 is a line of Oyster stitch worked with a seed bead added to the middle. Thread  A hand dyed mulberry silk thread Fabric: Dress or tea towel Linen Dyes:  Procion dyes used on the silk thread Date: This section of the sampler was …

Introducing sections 15, 17 and 24!

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Band 200 was the end of section 13 so it is time to introduce the next. From here on I am afraid my band sampler documentation gets a little complicated. I have decided to keep  section 14 private, as this sampler was used to demonstrate some points in my online …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 200

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This line of stitching is a combination of cable chain and wheatear stitch. Thread  A  #5 perle cotton thread Fabric: Linen hand dyed Dyes:  Procion dyes used on the fabric and thread Date: This section of the sampler was worked in January 2006. Size: The For Love of Stitching Band Sampler is …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 199

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Stitches This is simple a line of crested chain stitch that has been worked in perle thread. Thread  A  #5 perle cotton thread Fabric: Linen hand dyed Dyes:  Procion dyes used on the fabric and thread Size: The sampler is 15 cm (6 inches) wide and all sections are stitched together …