CQ Detail 166

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Stitches: This seam was first covered with some antique lace. I then picked out a main line in the design with French knots and beads. Thread:  Cotton floss What is the story? This regularly published series aims to illustrate and document the hand embroidered seams, embellishments and decorations on my crazy quilt I …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 314

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Stitches The line of stitching on Band 314 is herringbone stitch which has been laced with a hand dyed chenille thread. From  the top of the row I have worked 3 pistil stitches in a cotton perle thread #8 Thread  The line of herringbone stitches are worked in a  hand dyed cotton …

CQ Detail 165

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In case you did not catch my post on Thursday first up, Happy Easter everyone! Stitches: This detail is seam was first covered with lace then along the edge I worked some  detached chain stitches. Thread:  Cotton floss What is the story? This regularly published series aims to illustrate and document the …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler Band 313

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Stitches This sampler band 313 is a line of feather stitch. It is a band that is part of my long band sampler which you can read about here. If you want to see the line of embroidery in context you can read about it here. The foundation row has been further embellished …

CQ Detail 164

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Stitches: This seam is first covered with some pink ribbon on which I first worked 2 lines of herringbone stitch which I laced with thread then added beads up the middle of the band Thread:  Rayon ribbon floss and wool What is the story? This regularly published series aims to illustrate and …

For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 312

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Stitches This small motif is created using two buttonhole stitches and stem stitch.  The motif is small about 3 cm or an inch and a bit high. Thread  A hand dyed cotton perle 12 cotton Fabric: Dress linen Dyes:  Procion dyes used on the thread Size: The sampler is 15 cm …

Work in Progress Wednesday

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I have another crazy quilt block that I have completed and since it is Wednesday this is my work in progress show and tell. Actually it is more show than tell but I hope you enjoy it anyway. Where are the other blocks?   You will find all the other …