As the name suggests, Basque stitch is found on old embroideries from the Basque region of northern Spain. You can also find it used on embroidery from Portugal and southern France. Basque stitch is also known as twisted daisy border stitch. It is a sort of twisted chain stitch, worked in lines or circles, a bit like a buttonhole stitch.
Basque stitch creates a line of twisted loops which looks good on a curved line.
Once you get the hang of the rhythm of this stitch, it is very relaxing and enjoyable to work.
How to work Basque stitch
Work this stitch over two imaginary lines. Bring the thread out on the upper line, and take a large bite of the fabric, so that you insert the needle on the top line to emerge from the back on the lower line. Take the thread across the needle then loop the thread under the needle’s point.

Pull the needle through the fabric to form a twisted loop. Insert the needle on the lower line and bring it out just beside the top of the loop.

Take the needle through the fabric and repeat this process along the line.

Worked in a circular manner this stitch forms floral shapes which means it can be used to pattern areas.

Another tip is to attach a bead or button placed in the centre of the circle. This is particularly effective in crazy quilting. You can attach small seed beads at the end of the loop or inside the loop.

This is a stitch that is absolutely marvelous on a curve. I worked this sample on a piece of cotton batik and just picked out the curve of the printed pattern.
Here I have worked Basque stitch in a line. You can create patterns by extending the loops at regular intervals.
This last example is where I used it in crazy quilting. It is really good at emphasising a line in a motif such as a paisley.
Have you seen my Stitchers Templates?

Create your own designs with Sharon’s easy-to-use stitchers templates. Combine shapes to create hundreds of patterns and designs to embroider. It is the ultimate mix-and-match fun for stitchers of all skill levels. I created them to be as versatile as possible. I include four multi-patterned templates in each set. You will find them easy to use, totally clear to help you position them on your work, and they are nice and compact to fit in your sewing box. Each set comes with an e-book filled with patterns and designs that you can create and use as a jumping-off spot for your own designs. They are available now in our shop here!
Happy stitching!
A new stitch for me to learn. Thanks for introducing.
My trials are here.
Finally finished with my July stitches. See it at
je rattrape mon retard …..
I loved this stitch!
Basque stitch was so much fun to stitch and is now a favourite. You can see my sample on my blog here:
I enjoyed doing this stitch, and ended up making flowers and a sun. Added these to my TAST embroidery journal. Here are some pictures:
Here is my Sampler. Only a few stitches for now
But I am going to work on it later for more variations and combinations.
Ms Sharma
Here’s my week 29 TAST challenge. Basque stitch is another that can be very “fluid”.
Hi Sharon,
Here we are Sunday night again.
I blogged about the process at,
and put up an image in the Flickr group here
This is another peacock from me –
I have posted weeks 27,28 and 29 at
It is good to have caught up.
Here is my attempt for this week.This stitch is really magic
Thak you
My first steps with basque stitch are there
Here is my exercise for TAST week 29. I’ll be without access to the web during several weeks, nevertheless I’ll try to continue the TAST, but I could probably not post untill half september. “See” you soon.
Basque stitch scribble finished!
on Stitchin fingers
and Facebook
I posted my trials at
Hi Sharon and everyone, again the stitch was new to me, was not love at first sight but now something like a love affair has developed. π
Here is my attempt:
Happy Stitching! Claudia
I enjoy very much this stitch . My sampler for this week is here:
Hi Sharon, A great stitch to experiment with………I am learning so much…….Thank you !
You can see my sample here………………..
Chris Richards
Here is my attempt on basque stitch.
Here is my exercise π
Thank you!
Basque stitch up and blogged:
I Love all these new stitches. I’m having so much fun with my sampler! For the most part, I’m finished with the embroidery after adding Basque Stitch. I have only just started on the beading though.
A hastily ‘baked’ cake for Week 29:
Hi Sharon,
I started working on this stitch sampler, the details are on my blog-
thank you,
Today I wrote about my finished sampler with the stitches for weeks 25-29 on my blog:
Okay, this is the last one I’m linking here. I’m only 6 samplers behind now and my goal is to finish them all by next Tuesday.
Here’s my Knotted Cretan:
Here is what I did this week with the basque stitch:
I am happy to think that I am continuing to do these samplers each week. Thanks, Sharon, for making this possible. It is much easier to do this with others than trying to do it on my own.
Hi Sharon & Friends, my post for the week. I’m not sure if it’s finished (!). Thank you all.
A new stitch for me this week, but a very nice one!
I re-worked a sample I did for one of Sharon’s stitchfiles and added beading and more stitches I think it looks good π
My sample of basque stitch and the fabric journal of all my tast 2012 stitches to date can be found here
On the above link is my exercise of the Basque stitch
Voici le lien pour aller voir mes essais de point basque.
Here’s my latest sampler. Number 21: Butterfly Chain
here is my sampler of basque stitch..
I filled the last space on my red Aida sampler with Basque stitches. I wrote about it on my blog:
and I added a photo to my Flickr-page:
My Basque band is here:…
Here is my trials for this week’s challenge Basque stitch
Hi Sharon,
the earlier worked sampler of this stitch was posted on my blog here-
Thank you,
Oh dear! I caught up – and then for three weeks I have been feeling so ill that I couldn’t even stitch!!
I am so cross with myself, once again relying on old stitching – I really want to explore more and add to the new sampler …
There are a few Basque stitches on this old fishy piece :
I’m loving seeing everyone’s work though, many thanks all.
Connie, konnykards
Here’s my experiment for this week’s Basque stitch:
Hooray! still catching up, but here is the Basque stitch π
I am back at it this week. I had to take last week off as I was teaching all week. Hopefully I will find the time to go back and learn that stitch at some point. As for the Basque stitch, this is new to me. I did not find it difficult to learn and will definitely try to use it again.
I’m on fire! Here are my samplers from 17 to 20:
Bullion Knot
Half Chevron
Crossed Buttonhole
Wheatear Stitch
Behind on one week and early on the next!! Here are my stitches for both Up and Down Buttonhole and Basque stitches:
Well this one for what ever reason changed my brain waves and thinking but……I got a few done…..
Here’s my weekly post with old Basque stitch samples:
I think your paisley inspired me the first time, there’s one on my TAST 2007 sampler too!
Here I have worked a mirror work outlined with Basque stitch.
One more sample which I have used in one of my project. A Curly line
Thought of trying more samples. so keep following my blog.
I am back after a long time. This is one of my favorite stitches.Here is one of my attempts which I did many years back:
I am going to post my sampler shortly. So please keep an eye on my blog….
Ms Sharma