Work in Progress Report

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As promised on my declaration of UFOs and WISPs I am attempting to document what I am stitching each week. Even though its been very busy at work I have another diamond crazy quilt block done. I thought you might like to see it. For those who have lost track …

A declaration of UFOs and WISPs

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Just a quick note for those who are participating in the Take it Further challenge and  having trouble tracking the comments coming in about this challenge you can subscribe to them in your reader. There is a small “subscribe to comments” button in the side bar.  When you leave a …

Wednesday Wisp Reduction Report

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Sorry I am late with this but our internet connection has been down all morning. Once again it’s time for another of my weekly reports on the state of my WISPs (Works in Slow Progress). These posts are part of Sandie’s UFO and WISP challenge that she announced last year. …

Wednesday WISP another apricot block done

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I am still working on blocks for the the diamond block quilt I am working on. As I have explained before the quilt is inspired – or the shape of the blocks were inspired by a quilt made by Martha Bingley in 1883. I am gradually embellishing them one by …

Another Diamond block

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It’s time for another my weekly report on the state of my WISPs (Works in Slow Progress) as part of Sandie’s UFO and WISP challenge. This time I have completed a block from start to finish with both embroidery and beading done. As you can see it is another light …

Wednesday WISPs and WIPs

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Well it is time to get back into the swing of my weekly report on the state of my WISPs (Works in Slow Progress). As regular readers will know this year I am attempting to work through a pile of pieced blocks as part of Sandie’s UFO and WISP challenge. …

Wednesday Wisp Reduction Report

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On the sewing front this week has been a bit on the frustrating side as the house in total chaos. It is still the summer holiday period here in OZ and while Jerry is on leave he has been building bookcases in our dining room. Our dining area is going …