Pistil Stitch
Pistil stitch is really a French Knot with a tail. It is ideal to use for the centre of flowers or arranged in a circle as a flower motif. The weight of the thread will determine the size of the finished stitch. You can also work this stitch using silk ribbon.

Pistil stitch is also known as long tack knot stitch, and Italian knot stitch. But the most common name is Pistil stitch, perhaps because of its resemblance to the pistils and stamens in flowers.
Some people find it better to work this stitch with the fabric stretched in an embroidery hoop. I recommend that you use a milliner’s needle as they are the secret weapon in creating many of the knotted stitches. Most embroidery needles have an eye that is wider than the shaft of the needle. Milliner’s or straw needles have an eye and shaft that are the same width. This makes sliding any of the knotted stitches easy. It works for any stitch where part of the process involves wrapping the thread around the needle and then moving the thread along the needle in order to complete the stitch.
How to work Pistil stitch

Bring the thread to the front of your fabric. Wrap the thread twice around the needle, as you would a French knot. Then insert the needle back into the fabric a little distance from where it emerged, holding the ‘tail’ of the knot taut and flat to the fabric.

Take the needle and thread through to the back of the fabric.

At this point, it is sometimes helpful to brush the knot down the shaft of the needle with the left thumbnail so that it is sitting firmly on the fabric.

Hold the knot with your thumb as you pull the thread through to the back of the fabric.
And that’s it!

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Have you seen my Stitchers Templates?

Create your own designs with Sharon’s easy-to-use stitchers templates. Combine shapes to create hundreds of patterns and designs to embroider. It is the ultimate mix-and-match fun for stitchers of all skill levels. I created them to be as versatile as possible. I include four multi-patterned templates in each set. You will find them easy to use, totally clear to help you position them on your work, and they are nice and compact to fit in your sewing box. Each set comes with an e-book filled with patterns and designs that you can create and use as a jumping-off spot for your own designs. They are available now in our shop here!
Happy stitching!
This stitch was easy to work out. I tried creating a mandala with this stitch.
j’ai fini mon point de pistil merci
Hi Sharon,
my pistil stitch sampler details are here-
Thank you,
I really enjoyed this stitch and would definitely use it again.
I made a trio of flowers using the pistil stitch. The link shows the flowers as well as the embroidery journal I’m keeping the little samplers in.
This is a wonderful stitch. It’s been so much fun to spend the week with pistil stitch exploring it’s possibilities.
Here is the link to my Pistil Stitch – thank you Sharon, I thoroughly enjoyed this stitch!
Here is the short link to my Pistil Stitch blog:
I also uploaded a couple photos to Stitchin Fingers!
I added pistil stitches to my black linen sampler:
Here is my attempt on pistil stitch.
Liked it.
I’ve done another sample, this time an ATC.
happy to be back – here’s my sample
Hi ! I’m here again ! No post during summer, but I had stitched and continued the TAST 2012. You can see here week 37 http://j-en-revais.blogspot.com/2012/09/tast-37.html, than, if you want, return to week 30 to 35 http://j-en-revais.blogspot.com/2012/09/tast-30-33.html and http://j-en-revais.blogspot.com/2012/09/tast-34-35.html. Have a nice sunday.
My efforts this week are here
I have viewed wonderful examples by others this week.
here is my weekly attempt
I descovered with pleasure this stich.
hiya sharon and everyone, hope you like this weeks offering as much as i enjoyed making it. xx liz xx
I finished my Pistil stitches in time:
Hello everyone! here is my try:
thank you Sharon!
Hi sharon and friends. After a long break, I have participated in tast challange . I like this week’s challenge pistil stitch very much. Here is my post.
My week 37 sample
Looking forard to the next! 🙂
Sharon – Thanks for the catch-up week. I finished my other crewel project! Here’s my Pistil stitch example (we also call it “long-armed French knot”).
The Pistil stitch is one with a lot of potential. My contribution is a zentangle:
I discover with pleasure this stitch. My sampler is here:
I have added collage picture of pistilstitch in my stitchingfingers ning group..
Hello all,
My pistil stitches on sequins and I shared some of my old works too..
Pistil stitch is a fun stitch. Thanks Sharon.
My sample is here:
Hello Sharon and friends! I’m still a little late, but I just post the attempts of weeks 34 and 35. Two very interesting stitches that I will use in the future! Thanks to all, good stitches!
I enjoyed this stitch.
I like this stitch, I’m thinking of doing another sample. This is what I have done so far.
I’ve just uploaded my sample of pistil stitch with cast on, pekinese, linked double chain and sheaf stitch to keep it company. Two really happy days sewing and stitching!!!
Thanks for this TAST, Sharon.
I finally catched up, but unfortunately it’s not as good as I’d like.
My pistil stitch is here http://6stem5.canalblog.com
It is a very nice stitch !
Here is my pathetic little pistil stitch.
My mind just froze on uses for it given the name! Silly me! But I do have other ideas now, after seeing what the other ladies have done!
Oh what a fun stitch! One of those that makes me think: now why didn’t I think of that before, or at least try experimenting with the french knot a bit? Super fun! Mine’s here:
my stitch 37
Hi Sharon, I adore this stitch ! I have started needle felting,
so used this technique with the pistil stitch ! Have a good week! you can see my sample here !!!
chris richards
my attempt on a few variations of pistil stitch..you can see them clearly on close up pics in my blog..had fun with this stitch..
Hi Sharon and all,
I know Pistil stitch and I like it. Had fun stitching my little attempt<: http://fabricfusion.blogspot.com/2012/09/tast-37-pistil-stitch-cqjp-september.html
Thanks, Sharon for all! Cheers Claudia
My sample is here…pistil stitch… http://carrementcrazy2.canalblog.com/archives/2012/09/13/25092541.html
Thanks sharon…
Here is my sampler for week 37 – Pistil stitch.
Now, here is my sample – the catch-up week helped a lot to also catch up with other projects.
Thank you for the year-long Tast!
Merci pour le tuto bravoooo
bon mercredi à toi
Hi Sharon
Beautiful stitch. My sample is here:
waiting for comments.
Here’s my TAST stitching for this week. It uses my favorite stitch, the French knot! http://debbiesfiberwork.blogspot.com/2012/09/tast-week-37.html
I loved this stitch and is was so nice to be caught up so I could just play with this one stitch.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/quiltdiva/7977860921/in/photostream/ Fun stitch!
Thanks Sharon. I like this stitch. You can see what I did here
Here’s my weekly post with old pistil stitches:
Hi Sharon,
I cheated. I was already working on this stitch in another design. So I have blogged about it http://www.carorose.typepad.com
and posted a copy to the Flickr group
Have a good week.