Whipped Back Stitch

Whipped Back Stitch

Whipped back stitch sampleWhipped back stitch creates a slightly raised line which is simple, quick and easy to work. It is ideal for use in children’s sewing projects and suitable for beginners. This stitch works well for lettering and motifs with tight curves.

If a heavy, thread in the same colour as the foundation stitching is used, the line you sew will look like a fine cord. This stitch can also be worked with variations of contrasting colour producing a candy cane effect or a lightly textured thread. Whipped back stitch is also useful if a raised line is required on a delicate fine fabric which can’t accept a heavy thread through the weave.

Whipped back stitch step 1Work a foundation row of back stitches. Make each stitch slightly longer and looser than usual.

Whipped back stitch step 2Next whip the row. Use a blunt-ended tapestry needle, for the second thread so that you do not split the foundation threads as you sew.
Bring the needle up from the back of the fabric, take the thread over the top of the first stitch and pass the needle under that stitch so. Do not pick up any of the fabric as it is a threading action not a stitching movement.

Whipped back stitch step 3Repeat this until you have whipped the length of the row.


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My book for creative stitchers

Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery book coverIf you enjoy my site you will get real value from my book  Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery: Visual Guide to 120 Essential Stitches for Stunning Designs

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned embroiderer, Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery gives you techniques to encourage and develop a fresh and creative embroidery style. Discover play points in your embroidery. Explore variations in height and width, stacking stitches, or using repetitions of the same stitch to create areas of texture and shape. All these techniques and more will give you creative variations. I have included numerous demonstrations of small tweaks that create big effects. To send you down your own creative path, the book is richly illustrated with plenty of eye candy.


  1. I love your book; Creative Stitches! I am so inspired by the projects in this book! I am currently working on a collage/ sea shore piece like the one pictured in the book. It is fun to use stitches, beads and buttons to fill in the space on this piece!


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