Raised Chain Band Version 1

Raised Chain Band Version 1

Raise Chain Band version 1

Raised Chain Band version 1 is one of two versions and this tutorial is the first version. The other version is listed here. Both create a raised but flat band that adds texture to a piece. They make a great edge to your work too!

Raised Chain V1

How to work Raised Chain Band version 1

You will find this version in The Embroidery Stitch Bible by Betty Barnden p111 which by the way is an excellent book.

Raised Chain V1 step 1

First, work a ladder of straight stitches as a foundation.

Raised Chain V1 s

Work the next part of the process from top to bottom.
TIP: Use a blunt tapestry needle to avoid splitting the foundation stitches.
Bring your needle to the front of the fabric, at the top of the foundation row.
Take your thread over the top of the first bar and thread the needle under it.
Take care not to go through the fabric. Pull the needle under the bar.

Raised Chain V1 step 3

On the other side of the little loop stitch that you just made, pass your needle under the foundation bar again. Once again, you are not going through the fabric, but lacing the foundation stitch.

Raised Chain V1 step 4

With the working thread under the needle, pull your needle through to form your first stitch.

Raised Chain Band V1 step 5

Continue this way down the ladder of foundation stitches.

Raised Chain Band V1 step 6

When you have the first row done, fasten off the last stitch with a small vertical stitch and take your thread to the back, tie off.

Raised Chain V1 step 7

Restart at the top of the ladder and work row upon row until the foundation ladder of stitches is packed. I hope you enjoy exploring Raised Chain Band version 1

My book for creative stitchers

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If you enjoy my site you will gain real value from my book:  Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery: Visual Guide to 120 Essential Stitches for Stunning Designs

Feeling stale? Wondering how to add sparkle to your embroidery? I have aimed Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery to be suitable for both beginners and seasoned embroiderers. It introduces techniques to encourage your creative interpretations of stitches. I guide you towards discovering play-points in your embroidery by varying the height and width; by stacking stitches; or by filling multiple rows with the same stitch. With creative variations and demonstrations of tiny tweaks, You will be ready to head off down your own creative path and, of course, illustrated with plenty of eye candy!

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