Raised Chain Band version 1 is one of two versions and this tutorial is the first version. The other version is listed here. Both create a raised but flat band that adds texture to a piece. They make a great edge to your work too!
First, work a ladder of straight stitches as a foundation.
Work the next part of the process from top to bottom.
TIP: Use a blunt tapestry needle to avoid splitting the foundation stitches.
Bring your needle to the front of the fabric, at the top of the foundation row.
Take your thread over the top of the first bar and thread the needle under it.
Take care not to go through the fabric. Pull the needle under the bar.
On the other side of the little loop stitch that you just made, pass your needle under the foundation bar again. Once again, you are not going through the fabric, but lacing the foundation stitch.
With the working thread under the needle, pull your needle through to form your first stitch.
Continue this way down the ladder of foundation stitches.
When you have the first row done, fasten off the last stitch with a small vertical stitch and take your thread to the back, tie off.
Restart at the top of the ladder and work row upon row until the foundation ladder of stitches is packed. I hope you enjoy exploring Raised Chain Band version 1
Feeling stale? Wondering how to add sparkle to your embroidery? I have aimed Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery to be suitable for both beginners and seasoned embroiderers. It introduces techniques to encourage your creative interpretations of stitches. I guide you towards discovering play-points in your embroidery by varying the height and width; by stacking stitches; or by filling multiple rows with the same stitch. With creative variations and demonstrations of tiny tweaks, You will be ready to head off down your own creative path and, of course, illustrated with plenty of eye candy!
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Thanks for introducing me to this stitch in TAST. It was such a fun stitch.
My trials are here.
HI Sharon,
I am currently on this stitch sampler-
Thank you,
Hi Sharon,
Hope you are having a great trip, I had a minor surgery ,and yet to start on this stitch sampler. my earlier worked sampler-
Thank you,
Hi Chitra – I hope you recover quickly from surgery and thanks for the well wishes
HI, I’m back and all caught up again. I like this stitch and I have it on my blog.
And all those weeks I was behind can be found in my side bar under TAST 2013.
I’m just not feeling this one! I have restitched this one line in the photo on my blog three times. I just can’t seem to get it to come out right.
Any helpful suggestions as to what I’m doing wrong?
Stitches 62 and 63: http://berrybakewell.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/tast-62-63-raised-cross-stitch-flower.html
Samples for TAST stitches 41 to 44. I loved doing the Needlewoven Picot stitches.
Samples for Tast 77 & 78
Cretan Stitch TAST #4
It’s hard to see in the photo of my samples, but these stitches really are “raised”, especially the one done with the perle #5.
A little more for the sampler – I really liked the rhythm of this stitch.
Cool stitch! I am glad I tried it!
I just rediscovered this stitch 2 months ago! I wrote about the old and new raised chain stitches here:
My interpretation using a variegated #5 perle cotton: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v29/thatyank/thatyank%20siggies/Blog%20photos%20from%20Multiply/September%202103%20in%20blogs/80-RaisedChainVersion1.jpg
As easy as this stitch is, I found myself getting lost and having to undo it many times. Very frustrating…
Great sample, Carol, I like the variegated thread!
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