A short film by Blu

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This short film by Blu is of an amazing animation painted on public walls in Buenos Aires and in Baden. On the artists website you can discover more information about the project. The site also houses an interesting blog  and sketchbooks that visitors can browse. Enjoy! 

Autumnal colour

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A little self indulgence this morning as Jerry took some great photos of the trees turning colour. I of course had to play with them. Here are some colours ‘found’ in this photograph Our driveway at the moment I love Autumn in Canberra 

What do think about Art Journals?

  What do you think about Art Journals? Over on Quin Creative, there is a touching and thoughtful story about Quins Fathers Art Journals. It prompted a few thoughts or perhaps it is better described as a reaction from me.   To be honest I had not really thought about …

No work in progress

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No work in progress this week as the National folk festival over Easter and Eve being home has taken all my time. But I did see this heart shaped leaf I had to share and I found some of the colours interesting.   This was the colour scheme I ‘discovered’ …

Video on 5 Simple Design Elements

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Dan of Empty Easel has produced an excellent video about using 5 Simple Design Elements to improve an image. He aims his advice to painters, but any fiber artist, art quilter or embroidery designer will find that applying these design elements to their work will make their work stronger. So …

Photoshop tutorials

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This list of 40 Outstanding Photo Manipulation Tutorials is worth browsing and doing some of the free tuts! I realise only a percentage of my readers have and use Photoshop. An even greater percentage of readers have Photoshop but do not use it because they find it too difficult.  I could …

Jude is making Videos

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For those who read Sprit Cloth and are fans of Jude’s work I am sure you will enjoy this video.  Not only does Jude share some of her studio journal sketches but she talks about her creative process. Jude’s speaks about adding a block to the “story” and how stories …