Woof Nanny

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I have just discovered Barb Lawrence of Woof Nanny has also joined in the bags of fun challenge and by the way she has a fantastic blog. It went straight into my sidebar! Barb quilts, sews and crafts. She is also a natural hunter and gatherer and she posts information …

Who broke Google

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Will it be the case of where were you when google broke? I have had trouble getting into my gmail account this morning and I have just noticed that google.com.au is down. Looks like there are serious problems over at my favourite search engine which might indicate the start of …

Nifty thrift flickr group

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It’s interesting the way people are using flickr groups. Nifty thrift is a group to share and swap (if you choose) thrift shop, garage sales, and flea market finds. Cassi Griffin of Bella Dia established the group and I know some people who read this would just love it!

Resolution: from Digital to Cloth

Resolution: from Digital to Cloth was opened yesterday. The exhibition is held at the Foyer Gallery at the ANU School of Art here in Canberra. Often people outside the textile community are surprised to hear that a textile practitioner also works with digital media or that someone interested in digital …